Part 6: the fight isnt ovet yet

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"You are so easy. Too easy." I say getting a knife and holds it to my throat. "Nightmare what are you doing!?" Fall out yells. "One more move. I dear you make one more move." I say. They freeze.




Dad shoot. Dad and Harley come up. "Guys we can't find Maggie she wasn't in her room." Dad says. They look at me. "I don't know Peter asked who I was and all so I'm not surprised." I say shrugging with one shoulder. "That is Maggie Tony!" Pops yells. I smile. "That can't be her." Dad says. I fiddle with the knife at my throat. "Sorry to cut the sort but we have to go. Right sis?" Fall out says jumping off the roof with the others. "Don't try to follow us." I say putting the knife away and jumping landing next to the others in a helicopter. "Bye losers!" I yell chuckling. Father brings the others into a hug. "Good job kiddos." He says. They smile. I sharpen my knives as he walks over. "Not in front of the guys." I mumble. "Come on they won't judge you." He says. I let out a low growl as there are a few guys around us. "Don't growl at me." A boy by the name of Vaquero, I think, says. "Can it cowboy." Fall out spats as he sits down.  I chuckle. "Maybe you should have called her wolf." Vaquero says. Father glares at him and he sits down. I get up and hug him before going back to sharping knives. We make it back to the base. The base seems happy. "Our little sister is back!" Someone shouts. I just keep walking. Everyone stops and stares as I walk by. I throw open the training room door and put earbuds in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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