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it was a fun night we ate pizza and talked,caught up with each other and it was nice to have someone to talk to other than my brother,which don't get me wrong i love talking to hector

the next morningroberts pov-

saturday's afternooni was sitting down on the couch while the boys played gta and i was scrolling threw instagram
"hey why didn't you come to hang out with us yesterday" mattia said as he still had his eyes glued on the screen

"yeah we planned this like a weeks ago" kairi said as he looked back for a second but then straight back to the game

"oh i went to go get pizza with y/n" i said trying not to make it weird since she was kairis ex

"WHAT" they said as they paused the game and looked back at me with disbelief

"why?" kairi said as he put the controller down in frustration"well i thought since she just came back from school she would want someone to talk to and hangout with" i said shrugging my shoulders

"alright but,you know how kairi gets he just doesn't like her" mattia said as he looked at kairi who was zoned out looking at the ground

"i'm sorry" i said as i put my hands up"

"what ever,doesn't really matter" mattia said as he turned around"

well i have to go my mom wants me home for dinner" i said as i waved goodbye

Messages ⚡️

y/n🦎- hey thanks for yesterday
I had fun
Robert⚡️- I had fun too,
we should hang out again
y/n🦎- yeah that would be cool,
well gtg byee

i turned of my phone and put on my seatbelt as i drove home

your pov- "so how was yesterday" hector said as he grabbed kaylee and say her down on the carpet to play with her

"it was fun,you know just like old times" i said as i put my hair in a messy bun
"so what are we doing today,cause i'm bored" he said as he held up a tea cup with his pinky sticking out

"it's raining today so nothing really" i said as i looked out of my window where specks of snow and rain where falling from the sky

"we can watch movies" i said as i pointed at my snack stash and projector

"alright" hector said as he picked up kaylee and put her in the middle of my white sheets and he sat in the other side as he threw all the snacks on the edge of the bed

"okay so i want the hot fries and kaylee you can have the cookies" he said as he opend a pack of cookies and handed her one hector loves kaylee,since the day he met her,he spoils her and treats her like his own.and has never left my side after she was born,he loves every second they spend together.

"alright,pass me the oreos" i said as i turned in the projector and put on a Disney movie we watched the movie and covered ourselves with fluffy covers as it was still winter

"see kaylee you cant be doing that" he other said as he covered kaylee's eyes as the princess kissed the prince

"why not" i said knowing he would glare at me and say something back and did as i expected

"because kaylee boys have germs and are weird" he said as he took his hand off her face and pointed at the characters

"ima give you a spanking if i see you with a boy" he said as kaylee giggled and opend her hand signaling she wanted another cookie

kairi's pov-
"it's alright kairi,you weren't ready" mattia said as he rubbed his hand on kairis back comforting him "it's what we i mean i don't really care" he said as he got up and started to play again

"are you sure,you can talk to me if you need to" mattia said reassuring him he was their for kairi

"yeah i know,it's just i don't know what to feel about them seeing each other" kairi said

"anyways my mom wants me home so i have to go" kairi said as they did a hand shake and he left it was poring rain by this time,kairi didn't really need to go home he was confused on what he felt but he sure wanted to know more he knocked on the blue house two down from where he lived as the curly haired boy answered the door

"what was she like" kairi said as he was trying not to sound hurt
"she was beautiful,y/n did a great job raising her" robert said as he stepped out and hugged kairi kairi,has mixed emotions,sadness and hurt,knowing he left his child and just finding out the gender as he never intended to know till now

"what does she look like" kairi said as they both stepped in the house and into the living room and sat on the black leathered couch "she had these very light blue eyes,and the cutest smile,trust me you would have loved her"


Supremekairi:regretting life decisions Liked by 345,000 and spamofale

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Supremekairi:regretting life decisions
Liked by 345,000 and spamofale

spamofale:hits different after a year of not being with them,felt.

Fan: we miss this too

I am so impressed by my self as I used to write very well legar happens to me!!!! N e ways! hi will be writing again just in this account!

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