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"you would have loved her" the words that kept racing in my head since last night

                                     °message °

                                                                         Kairi 👀
                                                           I can't stop thinking
                                                          about yesterday
Robert ⚡️
Maybe try talking to y/n
And see if you can meet her
                                                                                      Kairi 👀
                                                                     She probably doesn't
                                                                  even want to seem me
you never know 🤷🏽‍♂️
                                                                                        Kairi 👀
                                                                    Wait Can you mention
                                                                me and see what she says
Robert ⚡️
I guess
your pov-
i woke up to a call from robert asking if we wanted to hangout,i said yes, i got ready and then kaylee woke up so i changed her into some jeans and a sweater since it was going to be freezing today,after that i put her in her car seat and grabbed a blanket from her draws
"hey kaylee" robert said as he buckled her in and played with her before getting back i by the driver seat and starting the car

  "so theirs this got chocolate  shop that just opened downtown,so let's try that out" robert said as he put the directions n his phone 

once we got their we ordered our drinks and sat down  "so how have you been" robert said as he handed kaylee a peocece of his muffin
  "oh you know same as always,just at home with kaylee" i said as took a sip from my hot chocolate

  "oh that's nice,do you struggle taking care of her sometimes" robert said as he was playing with kaylee

  "at first for a bit but not really now" i said as i put my cup down

  "do you know..think about kairi sometimes"  robert finally said which all the memories came back

  "when we broke up i did,and time to time and after i had kaylee,but then i remembered he left me and maybe part of this was my fault for not being carful,but i don't need doing just fine without him" i said as i tried to hold back tears 

"come here" robert said as he got up an pulled me into a hug

  " did you ever think of how it would effect kaylee" robert said 

"yea,cause i knew she would get older as ask about him" i said as i went t is it back dow
  "can i tell you why i'm asking,i just don't wanna seem like i'm asking so many questions" robert said as he tapped his foot nervously 

"yeah,of course" i said confused but still trying to act normal 

"yesterday kairi came to my house after he found out we hung out and when i answers the door he asked me, "what was she like" which he was talking about kaylee,he seemed hurt"  " i told him that you were doing so well in raising her and he would have loved her.he seemed like he regretted not being their for kaylee"

"you would have loved her" the words that kept racing in my head since last night

"oh" i said as i looked down to my floor

"he seemed really hurt thought,i've never seen him like this,maybe you should you know at least let him see kaylee" robert said and i looked back up

"i don't know if im ready for that,i just don't want her to get attached and him leave" i said  as i looked at kaylee who was peacefully sleeping

I checked the time which it was almost four pm and we got in roberts car,it was silent the whole car ride until i got home

"thank you robert,i'll see you around" i said as i grabbed kaylee form the back seat

"you should really think about it,see you around y/n" robert said as he pulled out of the drive way i went to my room where i put kaylee down in her crib and covers her up since she was still sleeping and i sat on my bed thinking of what robert said

."i can sense somethings wrong,what happend"hector said in a whisper and coming to sit next to me told him what happened and he kind of understood and hugged me knowing i was hurt a bit

"maybe you should you know try to talk to him,i mean it would be good to figure things out,he's trying to get to know her maybe it's a good thing"

hector said he did make a good point after a while i made up my mind,hector offers to take care of kaylee,i got in my car and drove to the house i had been in many timesi got to the door and hesitated to knock,but once i did.

the person i came to see answered,kairi."i- y/n come in" he said as he opened  the door a bit more offering me to come in,i said hi to his family and we went up to my room

"sit down,make yourself at home" he said as he looked surprised

"why now,why all of a sudden you wanna see her now" i said as i wanted to break down into tearshe didn't say anything so i got up

"is this a joke to you,do you know how much you hurt me and now you want to see don't even know why" i said as i scoffed and grabbed the door handle

"because y/n dont you think i have a right to see her"  he said as he pulled me back

"how do i know your not just gonna leave her like you did me,how do i know that she's not gonna get attached and once you leave it's gonna hurt her,HOW DO I KNOW YOUR JUST DOING THIS CAUSE YOUR BORED" i said as tears started streaming down my face he didn't say anything he just looked at me in confusion as i was thinking of leaving he said something

"we're you ever going to tell me" he said which surprised me

I did it once and I will say it again! This is my new acct and I will be finishing the storyyyy!🦎⚡️

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