Chapter 1 - The beginning

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I wake up to the hum of planes, and roll back over.  Maria, my goldish-white golden retriever, whines and bumps my hand with her muzzle. 

"It's OK Maria, their not going to bomb-" I pause and listen, brushing my blonde hair out of my blue eyes.  I hear the distinct rumble of foreign Bombers.  I jump out of my small bed, throwing on my black spring jacket that was lying on the floor next to my bed where I left it last night over my white t-shirt and slide into my black boots that were on the wall next to my bed.  I grab my emergency bag that was hanging on the edge of my night stand.  My hand brushes my mother's necklace.  I grab it and throw it in my pocket.  Maria barks and I throw open the door and run through our small one story house to my parents room.  I burst through the door, Maria on my heels.  My parents must have heard it to and were grabbing their stuff.  
"It's the Bombers.  They are here.  "I say out of breath, one hand on my chest, the other resting on Maria.

"We heard Sara, go to the Bomb cellar.  We will be there in a second," my mother tells me.  I turn and run out of their room with out a second thought, my loyal Maria as always by my side.  Our house is a small, two bedroom, one story house, so I am soon to the door.

"In all of my fifteen years, they have never..."  I mutter.  I quickly run out of the house hearing the booms of other bombs exploding.  The pitch black night is interrupted with flashes of light and the flicker of distant flames.  All that is going through my head is ' Get to the bomb cellar'.  Maria barks and I duck behind a near by tree, pulling Maria by her collar closer to me.  A bomb drops closer to the house.  Dirt sprays into the air clouding the once clear night and the enormous boom shakes the Earth.  I look at the shelter, my ears ringing from the explosion.  It is mere yards away, and yet I feel as if it is miles away.  I dash to the shelter across the uneven ground, feeling as if I am flying across the land.  Just as I reach the shelter and open, the door a huge explosion of noise and light follows an invisible force that sends me tumbling down the stairs into the underground bomb shelter.

I fall down almost two stories of stairs.  At one point, my leg bashes against the wall.  I land on my side with a cry of pain.  Maria lands with a yelp on top of me.  I hear crashing and tumbling.  I grasp my senses enough to move away from the stairs as huge borders and large pieces of wood tumble down, the room fills with dust and dirt.  I cough, and pull my jacket up over my nose and eyes.  Maria whines.  I rub her head.  I lay there for a while, my ears ringing.  Then I stand up slowly, but collapse.  I stand up and grab the beams on the ceiling, thankful that I am slightly tall for my age.  I use them to get over to the wall.  Oddly, Maria stays put, but she must be sore from the fall.  I light the oil lantern hanging on the wall.  The small dusty room floods with light.

"Oh, Maria" I say as I see her.  Her gold white fur is reddish down her neck and face.  She whines and sits up.  I rush over to her and see the wound.  It is a small cut on her head near her ear.  Head wounds bleed a lot I guess.  I rub her other ear and she wags her tail.  I look at myself then.  I have a long cut down my leg and my ribs are tender.  I lift my shirt and see a canvas of blue, purple, and bright pink painted across my right side.  My knee is pretty banged up and is starting to bruise and my head aches like no other.  I can still hear the rumble of the bombs dropping and every now and then one is close enough to rattle the lamp around.  I open my bag and get out one of the many bandages packed in there.  I carefully get a container of water and a piece of cloth from the room.  I wipe the blood away from my leg.  It is not very deep, I do not think.  I wrap my leg with the bandage.  I sigh and rub Maria's head.  I take in the room.  It is small and has a few rooms down a hallway.  That is the only branch off and Maria keeps looking towards it.

I sit against the wall next to Maria fingering mom's necklace with one hand and petting Maria with another.  It is a simple chain with two metal bands on it.  Mom called them Wedding Rings; they are her and dads.  One is skinny sliver looking with a small clear gem in the center.  The other is wider, bigger and is plain silver.  I put it on for safe keeping.

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