The reveal

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Jenna pov-

I roll over on the ground. Some one was arguing with John. I must have only been out for a few minutes.

"Jenna? Are you ok?" Mike asks kneeling next to me.

"Ya, I'm fine. Where is Buddy?" I say sitting up.

"He took off when you fell. He'll be back, I'm sure." Mike said. I start to stand, but Greg stops me.

"Stay seated for awhile. He hit you over the head with a branch." Greg said.

"I need to find Buddy" I say and stand up shakily. My knees give out and Greg and Mike catch me as I fall to the ground. I sit back down.

"I think I will sit here for a bit" I say. Greg chuckles.

"Good idea" Greg says. Mike gets up to do something walking away. I hear Johns voice get farther and farther away.

"So, when did your town get bombed?" I ask.

"A hour or two before you showed up, just after the storm. We lost 30 people." Greg says.

"Oh.... have you heard...." I start to ask. Greg shakes his head.

"No, we hear so little to begin with, after the storm we didn't expect to even see you." He said. I hear crunching and look behind me. Mike walks up, buddy following behind. I get up and run over, stumbling and having to catch myself on a few trees, but I couldn't wait to make sure he was ok. Buddy let out a little whiny.

"Oh, buddy. Are you ok?" I say, rubbing his neck and head. Buddy nudges me.

"Follow me, I'll show you where you can sleep for the night." Greg says.

"No, I think I'm going to go home. I'll be safe. I need to see." I say and mount buddy. Greg grabs the reins, preventing me from leaving.

"Jenna, you could barely walk. What makes you think you can ride?" Greg asks.

"I've been riding longer then I've been walking. I can make it home, even in the dark." I say.

"Maybe, but your balance is off. If something happens, you will fall off." He says, concerned.

"I've rode with a arrow in my shoulder and a broken arm for 3 days before I got to help. I think I can handle being a little dizzy. Now will you please let go of the reins." I say.

"Yes, you did, and then you couldn't ride for 4 weeks because of infections and your arm. Don't be stupid, your parents aren't here to help anymore. I made you father a promise when you took over for him, and I plan on keeping it." He says.

I sigh. The Promise. Dad made Greg make a promise to protect and help me. I sigh again. "Fine, I will stay here tonight. But I leave before first light tomorrow." I say. Greg has been like a father to me sense mom and dad died, and he has helped me many times as well. I get down.

"Thank you" Greg says. He leads buddy and I to a dense part of pine forest. A small hut sits there.

"When did you build this?"I ask.

"After the 2 time they bombed us. I got tired of sleeping under a pine. I'm thinking about moving out here." Greg said. I tie buddy to a tree, not taking the saddle off. Greg and Mike leave to gather wood for a fire. I take a stick and write a message to Greg and Mike :


With that I unite buddy and mount. I ride off, as quickly and quietly as I can. I feel bad as I ride off that I lied to Greg and Mike, but I know they will understand. I ride carfully into the dark forest. Riding is a little more difficult, branches coming out of the pitch black, trees suddenly apearing in front of us, and my balance being off. I ride on, determined to get home and make sure everyone is ok.

I arrive home to see another smoking piles of ash. The whole town is gone. I ride around, all the shelters are empty. No one is here. I look around, no one is around. Sarah ann's shelter is the last one I find. It's empty, like all the others. I rid to my farm and see that, for what ever reason, it was left alone. I can see Flaky grazing in the pasture. The barn is fully intact, the house as well. I stop by the gate, dismount, and almost fall on my butt. I steady myself and take the saddle off of buddy, then the bridle and open the gate. The two horses greet each other happily. I store the saddle and bridle of the barn, next to flaky's. I walk up to the house. A note was left by Farmer John and was stuck to my door by a nail.


Rumors have it that the Draemons were going to bomb the town. I'm taking my family north to Vince. Sorry I have to leave while your gone, but I can't risk it. I made sure Flaky had enough water and hay to last till you got back.

~Farmer John

P.S- be careful, not everyone can be trusted

I read the note once more. The Draemons, the western enemy. I hope everyone else had left as well. I glance at the sky. If it was the Draemons, everyone is dead. If it was the Freats, then they are alive but taken as our eastern enemy sometime does. Or it was our country bombing the Centi, their own people, out of fear that the enemy has taken the town.

I open the door, and gasp. The place is torn through. Things thrown everywhere, chairs tipped over, and the table fliped. I walk in and start to organize my little 2 room house. I finish with the kitchen-dining room - living area. I walk to the bedroom and scream.

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