Chatper 2: Roommates

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I got home from my audition three weeks ago. I just kept roaming around my apartment doing random things. I recently started dieting so I wouldn't be as nervous for whatever nude scene I had to do.

My phone went off from the table in my living room.


"Ms. Burrows, this is Amy Garcia, Paul Johansen's secretary." She said.

"Oh hi."

"Mr. Johansen would like to invite you down to California a week early so you can get settled in and meet with the cast members." Amy said. I heard the sound of typing in the background.

"Oh, okay. That's fine. Do you happen to have the address?" I asked grabbing a pen.

"Oh, Mr. Reedus has offered to pick you up." I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Who is Mr. Reedus?" I asked.

"Your co-star." She said.

After talking to Amy for a while I decided to go pack. Norman Reedus would be picking me up at the airport. I still haven't researched anything on this guy yet. I guess I'll let it slide and I'll meet him in the next few hours. I figured I'd be staying in California for a few months, so I packed light so it's be easier to carry.

When I got on my flight for California I pulled out a magazine and started skimming through it. It seemed like forever until we finally took off. The plane had wifi, so I took the opportunity to do a little snooping on this Norman Reedus guy. After all, he would be driving me to my hotel and filming with me.

Norman Reedus, 39, born January 6th, 1969. Has a son, Mingus.

So this guy is defiantly married or in a relationship from the looks of it. I pulled up google images and seen multiply pictures of him. He wasn't that bad looking. His dark hair and blue eyes made him mysterious, yet sweet.

Apparently he was in a movie called The Boondock Saints that I ended up watching part of but never finished. I also learned that their was a second one in the process.

When the plane landed I had gotten my luggage and headed for the front desk. A women was typing when I started speaking, "Hi, I'm looking for some-"

"oh my gosh! You're Sophie Burrows! I'm daughter just loves you, could I have your autograph?" She asked nervously. I was a little upset that she didn't bother asking what I needed and instead asked for my autograph. I signed the paper she handed me and gave it back to her. I heard someone clear their throat beside me.

"Excuse me Ms. Burrows?" A man with sunglasses and a black coat said. I rolled my eyes internally and huffed, "would you like an autograph too?" I said a little to harsh.

He chucked a bit, "actually I'd like to get out of here before we get spotted and trampled by fans." It hit me like a tone of bricks, this was Norman Reedus. "Oh... Sorry, this has just been a busy day and-" he put his hand up to stop me. "I get it, jet lag. I'm from New York too. Shall we go?" He asked. I nodded and went to pick up my bags but he grabbed them for me. "Oh, thank you." I smiled.

We got to the limousine that would be taking us to our hotel. "I really hope you don't mind, but Paul put us in the same room so we could get to know each other." Norman said, shutting the limousine. I laughed a little, "wouldn't your wife have a problem with it?" I asked. He raised his eyes brows and shook his head, "I'm not married." Well I feel stupid, maybe he was in the process of getting divorced. "What made you think I was married?" Crap! What do I say? Um well I creeped on you before I came here. "I-uh-did a little research and saw that you have a son." I shifted in my seat awkwardly. The fact that he was wearing sunglasses in a car freaked me out some. "Mingus. Yeah, I was in a relationship for awhile and had a son. But I'm not with her anymore, it was a long time time ago." He said speaking about his life. "Oh, I'm sorry." I said frowning. "It's all good. It's better this way. We're both happy." I bit the bottom of my lip; a bad habit I have when I feel awkward.

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