Chapter 1

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Ok....this is weird...?
I have no idea how to write a diary entry...especially on a thousand year old paper note book....... uh well I guess I can start it like this
Dear whatever dar.... diary.....Dairy (damn spelling errors)
*My name is Ginny Maris
*Aged 29 ( yes I know, I'm old)
*My D.O.B is 6/11/2386
But time doesn't matter anymore to me because I live in.....SPACE *queue the echo noises*
On the weyland Yutani Corp space ship.

(Author's note: For your information I have already hand written this book  ages ago and I am so happy to be sharing it for everyone to enjoy)

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(Author's note: For your information I have already hand written this book ages ago and I am so happy to be sharing it for everyone to enjoy)

I work as an alien breeder, trainer and nurse.
The alien species i work with are called Xenomorphs, the most dangerous species known to man kind, *dun, dun, duuuhh!* *jazz hands*

The alien species i work with are called Xenomorphs, the most dangerous species known to man kind, *dun, dun, duuuhh!* *jazz hands*

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(Author's note: please excuse the shitty hand writing)

Ever sense at the age of 14 I have been with these aliens from when the face hugger ejects an egg inside a man's chest then the firework show happens AND THEN out pops a baby Xenomorph ❤️ a.k.a a chestbuster. Then within 30 minutes they grow up into a moody teenager and finally a fully formed xenomorph or a solider or even a queen 👑
Sooo basically I'm their god mother? But without a tail or acidic blood... or a inner second jaw. But that would be AWESOME! Than I could KILL everyone on this bloody ship.
But a girl can only dream 😁

Long story shorty about my past is that my parents did the whole "birds and the bees" bullshit thing and my mum had me, but the boss man didn't like it then my ma ma and pa pa were thrown into the xenomorph chambers and then blah blah blah they died. but it doesn't end on a sad note as the boss man raised me as his own then sent me down to the breeding chambers where I was taught everything about the aliens and their past scientific history.
15 years later I am as happy as a clam, well before it is eaten, yep I am a happy mid wife to my cute little murderous babies.
And now it's time for me to go but I shall be back, my lovely little journal.
To be continued......

Oh p.s my star sign is Scorpio, so you know I am crazy 😜 🦂

Breathing a heavy sigh of relief Ginny put her pen down on the table, closed the old book and leaned back in the chair she was sitting in while closing her eyes. In the background the sounds of the ship's inner veins were pumping oxygen, electricity and watery chemicals all throughout the ship, carrying thousands of trained souls who are only doing their jobs. But sometimes those sounds are corrupted by the screams of something dangerous and unknown.
To Ginny these sounds are peaceful and calming.
The woman then slowly opened her eyes then with a smile, she got up from her chair and stared walking over to a door that opened immediately for her and she walked inside, the sliding doors then closed behind her as she rounded a corner to see a very familiar sight.
For many years now, Ginny had grown up in a world or a ship? that is filled with death and misery from scientists making you feel very uncomfortable, but the young woman grew up accepting the monsters under her bed. At this point Ginny has become the tamer of monsters, just like that very very very old dragon movie.
As Ginny continued walking she was thinking about all different types of things she can write in her note book, things like her deepest thoughts, memories or even secret fantasies with a certain person she's in love with. She was given the note by her auntie a while ago and Ginny was excited to use it because she has always had an interest for ancient relics and pop culture of the past form earth, which is a shithole by the way. She was told and shown many things about earth while growing up and has collected many cultural things to always be reminded and where humans came from and how they came to be to this day or night? Eh who cares it's space.
She was almost skipping as she headed towards a thick bullet proof glass box that is heavily guarded with motion censored five thousand rounded machined guns. The creature within the inescapable prison was slowly lifting up it's dripping head to her approach. Ginny on the other side of the window was smiling slightly as she placed her right hand on the glass, the xenomorph then, as if on instinct moved it's head against the glass where her hand was.

She could feel the warmth of it's forehead between the glass and her palm, the warm sensation was a sign of trust for each other

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She could feel the warmth of it's forehead between the glass and her palm, the warm sensation was a sign of trust for each other. After many years of studying the xenomorphs species her work was a breakthrough as she is able to actually touch them with the xenomorph biting her hand off.
No other scientist or trainer on the ship can control the the xenomorphs. The only logical way that Ginny was able train the aliens is that she would exercise with the elite guards who are humans then she challenged the aliens themselves with electrical charges and food and then collect their cent or moisture, so she could smell like them. Yes Ginny may smell like a walking rotten flesh most of the time but it's for the sake of Science, don't worry takes like three showers a space day.
Some of Ginny's methods were sometimes cruel but that was the only way to teach the xenos how to behave. Unlike the trainers before her they were scared of the aliens and either killl the xenos or hurt them to a point where the xenos killed them, but Ginny she loved them too much and would deeply regret hurting her babie, but she doesn't have any other choices into how she must treat them when they misbehave.
Throughout the years of training the xenomorphs Ginny was slowly loosing her mind, or more like..... becoming an alien herself without the physical look of a xeno, making her co-workers feel uneasy and creeped out. But Ginny doesn't care about those sort of people because there either workers or sacrifices and the only way to breed the species is to sacrifice many, many unfortunate souls, after the first few times of watching the walls getting repainted, Ginny has gotten quite used to it and her favourite colour is red.
Among the entire ship Ginny was officially named as the mother of monsters for her reputation of insanity.

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