| Chapter 1: Unnoticed |

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It was the quarter of midnight as I sat at my bed looking at the ceiling. The moon shined high in the ceiling as I decided to text Butthole on what he was doing.

Scott: Hey Butthole, what are you doing right now

Butthole: Nothing

Scott: You got some time to chat with me for a bit

Butthole: Sure

Scott: Okay, so you know Cartman right?

Scott: He bullied some kid with reading problems like in the sophomore year

Scott: That same kid came up to him and roasted him on the spot and everyone was watching, it was funny too

Scott: Hey you're still here?

Butthole: Yes

Scott: Okay so then everyone is grouped up looking at Cartman embarrass himself

Scott: Cartman then just throws a punch at the kid and then this fight just started

Scott: That's basically all I know though since I was still in class but I think you were there too right?

Butthole: Where?

Scott: At school, I should've probably said that earlier sorry

Butthole: What?

Scott: The fight? You okay?

Scott: You're probably tired, I'll stop bothering you hehe

Butthole: Oh

I had turned off my phone and put on the nightstand beside me. It felt weird almost, he acted like he forgot what I was talking about. It was past midnight though, so I didn't really blame him as I tried to get some sleep. I had school tomorrow so I needed as much sleep as I can.

When the sun rose again, I got up from my bed and went through my closet as I got out my usual green sweatshirt and blue jeans. I was still tired walking in the bathroom as I saw myself in the mirror still waking up. I scratched my head closing the door as I went to the tub and started the shower. I took off my clothes and went in as I washed my body. I tried to think away from school as I took my shower peacefully.

I got out the shower moments after as I grabbed a towel and dried my body. I put on my new clothes and went out the bathroom now heading downstairs. I went to the kitchen and to the table as I saw my dad getting up in the kitchen. He went out about to go to work as I sat at the table looking at the eggs. "So how's Junior year so far hun" my mom "It's good" I said eating my breakfast "Don't be late for school Scott, eat up quick" she said as I did. I got up from the table and went out the kitchen saying bye to my mom on the way out. I went down the sidewalk to my school as I saw Butthole walking in front of me. I ran to him greeting him as he turned around to me. "Hey Butthole, whatcha doin'" I asked as he said nothing as usual "Hehe same silent Butthole am I right? So you wanna hang out today at lunch, I know a place down from here" I mentioned as he blankly nodded. We arrived at school as we went through the doors going to our lockers. That's when I saw Cartman again down the hall from me. "Ay, what up diabetes" Cartman calls to me "Hey Eric" I said effortlessly "You wanna get up to Denny's with us or wait, you have diabetes" "Yea, and besides, I was gonna hang out with Butthole anyway" "Well Scott, have fun with your boyfriend" he said walking past me to his class. I went to mine as the bell rang and so I started running to my class.

It was 2nd period as I saw Butthole in my class. His desk was far from me as we got the time for study hall. I went over to see what he was doing as he was doing work from last class. "Hey, you got some time to chat a little" I said as he said nothing as usual "Hehe, you're probably busy... I just got bored you know hehe... well I was wondering if after lunch you can help me with my project, since we're both in the same class, I overheard the conversation with the teachers in our class they mentioned a group project so, what do you say" I asked as he nodded. I was looking at his paper as it was math problems and equations. I was somewhat bad at math but, I didn't exactly as the bell rang again. I got my stuff as he got up with me. We then started our way to our next class as I saw a shadow under Buttholes eyes. Not the normal makeup shadow but, his eyes were a pale blackness as bags formed under them. I stopped him in the middle of the hallway as I wondered what was going on. "Hey Butthole, you sleep good?" I asked as he tilted his head "Like, did you sleep at all last night, you look tired" I specified myself as he nodded with a little thinking aside "Well, let me know if there's anything going on okay? You're kinda weird today hehe" I said nervously as we continued our way to our class. By the time we arrived we, I sat at my table as Butthole sat his as our teacher came in greeting us with the project I overheard.

It's been an hour as the bell rang and it was time for lunch. I saw Butthole get up as I followed him out the classroom heading to lunch. "Hey so, you know the project right? Sorry, I guess they were just canceling it hehe" I said as he looked at me dumbfounded. It was like he forgot as I felt a sense of awkwardness come off it. "You sure you're okay Butthole? You've been weird ever since this morning you know" I said as he nodded faintly. Something was going on as we made it to lunch, seeing the big line. But I decided to go to Tweak Bros Cafe since that's what we said to go last night. Butthole didn't come though, he just stood in the line as I went over and grabbed his hand. "We we're gonna go over somewhere else remember?" I mentioned as he nodded coming with me. We walked out the doors going down to the coffee shop of Tweeks family as I got a text from Cartman. It was just some way of him ripping on me for having diabetes as I left him on read making it to the cafe. We went in as we sat a table. I looked through the menu as Butthole looked freely around the cafe. "Uh, earth to Butthole? You good in there" I wondered as he looked at me for a bit. It felt odd, he was never this lucid when we met him before. Right now he just looks so dumbfounded all of a sudden. Tweeks dad came to us as he asked for our order. I asked for coffee with no sugar as Butthole pointed at one item on the menu. "The espresso? Yes I'll get that for you" Tweeks dad said after going to the staff room. I looked at him for a long minute as he kept looking around once again. The shadow formed under his eyes again as he felt his head looking at the table. "Butthole?" I called out to him as he looked up confused. I was getting to the point where I was starting to feel annoyed by his acting as our coffee came. I drank my coffee as he drank his staring off somewhere. By the time I finished I got up and paid for our tab as Butthole was still there at the table. I had tapped him on the shoulder as he looked up at me with some sort of confusion.

We went out the cafe as we headed back to school seeing some of everyone, that including Stans group, go back inside. Cartman saw us as he put his hand over his mouth trying to contain some laughter. I flipped him off as Butthole kept walking with me aimlessly.

Time skipping to the end of the day as I was walking home from school. I had realized Butthole was following me as I stopped him wondering what he was doing. "Hey, you think you should head home?" I said as he tilted his head "Well I mean, if you wanna hang then that's fine, just let me know" I said as his parents came up to us from behind "Hey punkin, you should head home with us okay?" his mom said "Yea, sorry if he was troubling you, come on little guy" his dad said as they all walked off going back home. I waved questionably as I headed to my house, kinda done for the day.

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