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Happy reading 💙

Isabella's POV

I was sulking in bed for more than two hours.

It's already morning.

I ignored my mother's shout rolling in the bed.

I don't want to go to office. I don't want to eat. I don't want to sleep.

God! I don't know what I really want!

After giving my decision I couldn't sleep a wink last night.

I'm betraying my parents for my selfishness.

Of course I gave the answer to make them happy and it really did.

What would happen if he found that I don't like him and we are going to get married for name sake?

Marriage is a sacred thing. It's a commitment for life. If I took it as a deal and my father found out that I did this for them and me to escape from their claws I'm Done Done Done.

My father will disown me and he wouldn't waste any second to do it.

He knows I'm a troublemaker but he will be very disappointed if he found the reason behind my answer.

My phone ringed!

"The person you are calling is busy sulking for the trouble she caused and she needs you by her side within few minutes. If not say goodbye to your life", I ended the call waiting for the person to show up.

I opened my window walking to bed back.

"Help me up", I heard a plead from my window.

"It's your choice to use window when there is a thing called door. Help yourself up. I'm not in mood",I told hugging my pillow to my chest gathering myself up in bed.

"Isabella", I rolled my eyes hearing her cry.

My door opened with Ryan laughing.

"You are crazy L. Fat ass", he helped her making her angrier.

"Shut up Ryan. I dare you to call me again fat if you want worms as your dinner, she gave her dead glare.

Ryan paled hearing her.

It happened once Ryan teased her to make her go crazy making her feed worms to Ryan.

He was admitted to hospital for two days straight.

He begged us to call him a ambulance. He was a drama queen.

He just had one. It's not like he ate the entire plate she prepared for him.

"You wouldn't dare", Ryan said clutching his chest as if he is in pain.

"Try me", she smirked challenging him.

"Layla Smith", he went to attack her.

Now I have to step in or they'll start their hair pulling fight.

If I don't stop them they'll eventually come to me and start pulling my hair out.

I really don't get it. They will be the one to start fight but the victim will be me.

"Guys..My dad is in his study", that's enough for them to stop and walking to my bed.

They were really acting like a kid. They both stuck their tongue out.

"Don't make me kick you Ryan", Layla was ready to punch him.

"Try me if you want your hair to be painted red", Ryan smirked.

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