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Happy reading 💙

Isabella's POV

"Morning Isabella", Daisy greeted me as I walked downstairs.

"Morning Daisy", I greeted back tiredly.

"What happened dear?", She looked worried seeing my state.

Of course I would look like a Zombie after the stunt that arrogant jerk pulled in late night!

"Can you give me my chocolate milk?", I asked her taking my seat.

I slouched down in table as thousands of yawns already escaped from my mouth.

"Here dear", She gave me looking still worried.

When I took a sip I sighed.

The feeling of my favourite drink flowing my throat is enough to calm my tired nerves.

"Looks like my wife had her beautiful sleep. You are glowing babe", he is mocking me.

"Well thanks to you babe", I shrugged and continued sipping on my drink.

If he provokes me anymore, it would be no surprise if he was dead tonight.

"Oh.. my", Daisy blushed.

Daisy's blush made me understand.

"No Daisy. It's not what you are thinking", I blabbered.

"'s not what you think Daisy", Aaron coughed up.

"I have to go", I hurriedly got up from chair.

"Wish you screw your day babe".

That arrogant jerk waved at me making me roll my eyes at his.

"Wish you stuck at elevator all day", I replied him with my smile.

Reaching my office I started to work.

It will be one hectic day.

I was working my ass to get two big projects.

It would be a big thing for I&C.

Sitting hours I'm chair made my neck and back stiff.

Sighing I laid my head back on seat I relaxed.

Let me take a rest for bit. Bet I will reach Mars this time in my sleep.

"Baby", Layla's voice made me irritated.

"What do you want Lay?", I asked still closing my eyes.

"Just wanna check up on you", she giggled.

She want to disturb my sleep now.

"Well I'm still alive. Now you can leave", I  want to have some rest.

"What made you to be this tired? Are you and your husband were..", I throwed the first thing I caught in my hands.

She escaped with a smirk playing on her lips.

"Were you exercising?", She finished.

"I'm in no mood for jokes Lay. I'm warning you", I glared at her.

She looked worried now.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" She asked.

"It's just I couldn't sleep well", I told honestly.

"And it's not what you think. I have my very own room there", I told her clearing her unasked questions.

"Why do you have your own room? Did that jerk kick you out of his room?", She asked clearly getting angry at Aaron.

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