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Happy reading 💙

Isabella's POV

After returning from office I was welcomed by cookies.

"Mommy..I'm home", I giggled running to kitchen.

"You have never grown up baby....go and refresh..I'll set the table", mom's warm smile stirred my heart.

A tear escaped my eye.

"I missed you mom", hugging her I snuggled into her chest.

"I missed you", I heard mom mumbling.

"Pardon?", I smirked.

"I missed you little trouble", she laughed ruffling my hair.

"Mom..I'm far from trouble", I denied her.

"I know..I go and get refreshed..Aaron is in his room", she teased me.

"He is home?", I asked surprised.

I have never seen Aaron in evening. We usually have our morning encounters which is enough for us to stay away from each other for a day.

Truth to be told.. I  never cared whether he is home or not. The same goes for him.

This is kinda new to me. My husband waiting for me when I return home.

Technically he is not waiting. It feels like that. How should I put it?

Anyway it's getting complicated.

"Why are you surprised?", Mom asked further.

"He... Never mind mom", I waved at her and walked upstairs.

I saw Aunt Em walking towards me.

"Hi Em"

"Bye Em".

"You young lady..stop right there", she ran towards me.

"I'm sorry Em. My husband is waiting for me", I waved at her entering the room.

Shutting the door I exhaled deeply.

That was so close.

"What the he.."

"Shh!!! Em is at the door. She must be eavesdropping now", I place my hand on his mouth to stop him from shouting.

He remembered that his parents were staying in his roof now.

He rolled his eyes. Jerk.

"Babe..I missed you...", I spoke loud enough to reach Em's ears.

He smirked seeing me. I shrugged.

"I missed you too babe", he started walking towards me making me walk back.

"What the hell are you doing?" , I whisper yelled at him.

"Showing my wife how much I missed her", his calm statement made me thrilled.

"Are you flirting with me Mr. Kingston?", I asked when my back hit the door.

He walked close to me lowering his head to my height.

Staring at me he whispered in my ears.

"Maybe", his words were the switch to  butterflies to start dancing dance in my stomach.

My heart fluttered for first time in my life.

The next thing happened is really most expected one.

My butt landed safely on the floor of verandah.

I shouted in pain.

This jerk. I wanted to  fry him in oil pan alive. AHH! My poor butt..It hurts like hell.

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