-Gage- pov

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we sit in the closet for what seems like minutes she hasnt moved or spoken and I am so uncomftorable this closet is so small. i move closer to her so our backs are against the same wall.she leans her head on my shoulder and i hear her quietly say to her self

" 9 years, if he found me now then how could he have known where i was during that time?" 

"it wasnt him you know?" 

she almost stands up in confussion she looks at me her eyes so focased on mine, and what i am going to say next. 

" they picked up the guy and it wasnt him, he was just an angry ex of the girl who lived here before you. she moved out because he kept coming over drunk screaming and yelling."

she looks as if she had just found out that someone in her family was killed. 

" it wasnt him?"


"you asshole why didnt you say that when you first came in? "

" you looked like you needed some quitetime to get your thoughts together"

" you know if it was him he would have taken me or do something worse?"

" he doesnt know where you are nor will he ever.

alex's monster was a human being who wore a mask she grew up with him and as she grew older she realized that the man she knew as her monster just got worse and worse, but its not really my story to tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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