Chapter 3

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Reki turns to his right. After awhile to his left. He hugged pillow tightly. "Fuck.....I can't sleep" Reki curses. He looks at the time which was 2:21 AM in the morning. It's been 3 hours to his fight with Langa yet all he can think about is him. "What was all that about....He hugged me and then said he angry on me or something?......maybe not because he was all romantic.....but still why did he said that" Reki talks with himself while looking at the ceiling above.

He looks at the closed door behind him and decides to go to Langa's room.
Taking a pillow with him Reki starts to bang the door. "Hey! the door" Reki says and gets no answer. "I said open the door Langa" Reki says while still banging the door. "If you don't open I'll break it" Reki gives Langa his final warnings. "Lang-" Reki got cut by Langa's response. "What do you want? why are you here so late" Langa says in a aggravate tone.

"Open the door" Reki says calmly this time.
"I am not opening it! go back to your room" Langa says ignoring Reki's words. Langa gets no response from Reki this time and becomes a bit worried.

He soon hears a loud noise from the door which clearly meant that Reki banged it in a intention of breaking it. "HEY! DON'T- STOP DON'T BREAK THE DOOR OMG...I AM COMING WAIT WAIT" Langa panics and decides to open the door.

"What is it" Langa asks after finally opening the door. "Move" Reki says. "shift" Reki says again and this time Langa shifts aside. Reki goes inside the room and lays on Langa's bed. "hey wait what the-" Langa says. "I'm sleeping here" Reki says while hugging the pillow he bought with him. "that's a single bed Reki where am I gonna sleep?" Langa says with a straight face.

"on the floor" Reki whispered.
"what?" Langa asks as he couldn't hear Reki.
"Sleep on the floor and you're not leaving the room and sleep on the floor" Reki says and turns around. "Huh.." Langa sighs and takes out the extra mattress and sleeps on it.

The next day

Reki wakes up from sleep and looks around the room to see the time. It was around 10 am in the morning. He turns around and sees Langa was not there. He gets up and runs out of the room to see where was Langa.

He searches him in the whole house until he heard a voice. "Reki what are you doing? When did you get woke up?" Langa says. Reki blushed at the sight of Langa being half naked and having his hairs wet. "Uhh oh...good morning" Reki says. "Oh...yes good morning" Langa answers back.

"Are you still mad at me" Reki asks while holding Langa's hand. "When was I even mad?" Langa clarifes. "But left me alone in the hall yesterday" Reki says. "Oh well....uhhh that's because I wanted to watch a drama at night and you were tired so I went in my room instead of our shared one" Langa again clarifies himself. "Huh? that so?" Reki was dumbfounded. "Yes" and Langa was confused. "did you make the breakfast?" Reki asks. "Yes I did and.... sorry if I hurt you last night Reki. I just didn't wanted you to doubt me" Langa confesses. "Oh was my fault for doubting you in the first place" Reki awkwardly smiles. "So you were doubting me!" Langa says.

Later that day

"Reki let's go to S tonight" Langa suggests."Yeah you are saying righ-" Reki gets cut by a sudden phone call. He picks the call up and heard a very familiar voice "Reki how are you doing? How is Langa doing? are you eating good?" Reki recognises the voice and smiles brightly "hello mom it's been a while since I called you right? we are good and I am eating good how are you?" Reki says to his mom who he was indeed missing.

"We all a good here I was wondering when will you and Langa visit us" Reki's mom says. "Oh I am free these days I'll discuss with Langa and call you again" Reki says. "Yes sure but do tell me so that we can arrange everything for you both" She says and keeps the phone.

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