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Warning: This story contains scenes that may not be appropriate for a younger audience. Reader's discretion is advised.


Darkness has a way of coaxing out her thoughts the way it does stars in the sky. And boy, are they plenty tonight. Waves crash gently against her bare toes as Carmen stands at the edge of the water, her mind drifting like sand along a riptide. 

A pair of arms wrap themselves around her midsection, distracting her from her thoughts seconds before Regina’s head nestles on the crook of her neck.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She hums, her voice smooth against her ear.

She turns her head instead of answering, giving Regina a small peck on the cheek, before thoroughly distracting themselves with each other’s mouths. 

They do this now. Secret getaways in places where no one they know can find them. Tired of all the sneaking and hiding and pretending that there is nothing going on between the two of them. And there isn’t. At least not what people think.

They never put a name to it. How can they, anyway? When fuck buddies just sounds too detached and lover sounds too…personal, too real. So they dance around the topic, too scared to mess with the status quo and lose the only connection they have with one another.

You're not supposed to fall in love with your friends with benefits and yet as passion lights every nerve of their body, every spot that they touch heating up, she can feel her poor heart pump just a little faster, fueled by the desire it feels—not for what she knows is coming—but for the woman she is sharing it with. Her emotions simmer just beneath the surface, threatening to spill out into words she knows she’ll regret in the morning. 

She pulls Regina closer, as if the press of her body is enough to hold back the confession that’s already at the tip of her tongue. She is so in too deep, that she is willing to overlook the consequences and just tell her then. I’m in love with you. The words coming easily now that she's admitted it—at least to herself. She surges forward so her teeth can capture Regina’s lip. The action elicits a gasp from the other woman, which she swallows, hoping to convey how she feels through every swipe of her tongue.

There is a sudden shift in the atmosphere, from frantic hands and bruising kisses to reverent explorations. Slower but no less powerful. If Regina notices it, she doesn't show. In fact, she seems to welcome the change, tugging Carmen impossibly closer to her body. 

Heat pools low in her stomach and Carmen feels like she's been set on fire. Roaming hands claw at every piece of fabric that gets in their way, struggling to get them off as they stumble across the sand to a blanket they laid out. The rest of the world fades away, the voice of the sea taunting them, the cold bite of the night. In that moment, nothing else matters. 

With Regina’s hand supporting her, Carmen lowers herself gently onto the ground. Still inches away from each other, they fumble at each other’s clothing, Carmen losing all muscle coordination at every graze of Regina’s teeth against her skin. Regina’s weight is comforting on top of her, as she settles between the vee of her legs. 

Carmen's hands find themselves at Regina's sides, and then, as if having a life of their own, trails down to the dip where her hip and thighs meet. 

“Carmen.” Her name comes off like a prayer against her lips. 

Her fingers travel further down. Regina’s moan echoing through the private beach is her sign that she’s reached her destination.

She works the other woman up—using every dirty tactic she has learned from all the times they were together—to bring her to her climax in record time.

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