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forelsket - The specific feeling experienced while falling in love, rather than simply being in love.


Working the register of a local convenience store had exposed Regina to all types of people—the good and the bad. Rude customers, rowdy teenagers, shoplifters, the silent ones, the nice ones, it's the whole enchilada. She had mostly gotten used to it. It's simply part of the job. But sometimes, there was someone who came in and just captured her eyes.

The first time she went in was a Tuesday. Regina was coming in from her break, going back to her spot behind the counter when she entered, all bright smiles and sparkling eyes. Her hair was short—much shorter than what Regina preferred for herself—but it suited her. It framed her face well, showing off a delicate jaw and rosy cheeks. She had that aura on her that just spoke of confidence. She knew her effect on people and she wasn't afraid to use it. Regina's eyes followed her as she strode towards one of the aisles, until she was hidden from view. 

By the time the woman came to pay for the few snacks she bought, Regina was a nervous mess. She clumsily wrapped the items in a bag, as she shrunk under the woman's gaze. Their hands briefly brushed and she swears she felt actual shots of electricity travel through her from where their skin had touched. Their eyes met and Regina knew she must have felt it too. The woman pulled her hand back quickly, murmuring a soft thanks before leaving the store without a second glance.


The second time she came in, Regina was pleasantly surprised. After their first encounter, she had beaten herself up for acting like a teenager in front of their crush. She was so sure she'd never see the woman again and was disappointed to have missed an opportunity to have asked her out. So when the same woman came in Sunday morning, Regina made sure to compose herself and greet her with the biggest grin she could muster.

"Good morning." She greeted with enthusiasm as the woman approached. "Are these all you need?" 

The woman responded with a small nod, but her bright smile made up for it. 

She's even prettier when she smiles. Regina thought as she rang up the woman's purchase. When she handed the bag, she made sure their fingers touched just so she could see if what she felt the first time they met was still there. The woman flinched just as she felt their skin brush and she swore the woman's cheeks were beet red when she walked out. 


It became her hobby—guessing whether or not the mystery woman would come to the store that day. Most of the time she was disappointed, but it never stopped her from eagerly waiting. The woman eventually became a regular there, gradually coming in more frequently. Sometimes she'd bought a few stuff and sometimes she just looked around, gave Regina a soft "hi" and left. 

During the times she bought something, they actually had the chance to make small conversation. Regina found out that her name was Carmen and she just recently moved to an apartment complex nearby. On occasions when customers are scarce, Carmen spent a few minutes by the counter chatting up Regina. They would joke and laugh and talk about mundane things as if they've been friends longer than they really were. 

And as days went by, as Regina got to know Carmen, she also found herself with a growing attraction for the woman. Making Carmen smile had been the highlight of her workdays. She had wanted to ask her out for a long time, but she wasn't sure how she'd breach the topic. Hell, she wasn't even sure if Carmen were attracted to her at all. She was nice to Regina, sure, and she flirted back when Regina made small innuendos, but those never were a guarantee. Although, if she never tried, she'd never know wouldn't she?

Regina resolved that whatever it took, she'd have to try and ask Carmen out.


It was Friday morning, Carmen came into the store and like sunshine on a cloudy day, Regina immediately felt her day lit up. She gave Regina a small wave and headed straight to the shelves. 

Few minutes later, Carmen approached the counter looking thoughtfully at the pen she held. She turned it around her hand as if examining for something leaving Regina confused.

"Is anything wrong?" She asked when Carmen stood in front of her.

"Yeah, I—" She held the pen up. "I don't see a barcode in this. Does that mean it's free?"

She then looked up at Regina, keeping a straight face for all but a few seconds before she broke out laughing. 

Regina watched Carmen as she doubled over in laughter, obviously pleased with her joke. And she didn't know what came to her or where she even got the idea—most likely from those comics she frequently saw on facebook—but her mouth was already opening before she could think about it.

"Well, I don't see any barcode on you. Does that mean you're free tonight?" 

The question silenced Carmen's laughter and she straightened up, surprised at the randomness of the response. She looked straight at Regina, one eyebrow cocked as if daring her to take it back. Regina stood her ground. 

Their staring match only ended when the serious look disappeared from Carmen's face and was replaced with a smirk.

"Why, Regina, are you asking me out on a date?" 

She leaned an arm against the counter, her face just a few inches away from Regina's that she was almost tempted to close the gap. 

"What if I am?" She teases back, mimicking Carmen's position. 

Carmen's face scrunched and she made a show of mulling it over, but the small grin on her face never disappeared. Regina knew then that she wouldn't be denied.

"I think I'd love that." 

Carmen's smile was so wide and Regina was sure that she looked the same. Two idiots with big, stupid smiles while throwing love eyeballs at each other. 

"That's great then. 7 o'clock?" Regina asked when she finally recovered.

"Sure. Should we meet here? Or…" 

"If you give me your address, I'll pick you up." 

Regina yanked open a drawer to grab a piece of paper to hand over to Carmen. The other woman took it and with the pen she was holding, scribbled her address in neat handwriting. 

"I'll see you tonight." Carmen murmured and before she could process it, Carmen had already leaned in to press a kiss on Regina's cheek.

Stunned, she remained frozen in place even as Carmen left the store. By the time she came back from her daze, Carmen was already gone. The sheet of paper with a written address and the pen that was left beside it her only sign that it all wasn't a dream.

She was going on a date with Carmen. 

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