China and N.K.

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I am sorry for not updating. Thank you for the request...

And I'm putting a bit of a twist on this one. 


Did I mention your name right? Anyways, Enjoy!

Warning: NorCan

                    China x Vietnam?


South Korea's P.O.V.

I'm bored.

North is taking his precious time making something in his room with China. I have a very bad feeling about this. A knock was heard in the door. I stood up and saw Canada. He smiled. 

"Hi South, Where's your brother?"

A huge explosion was heard inside the house. I ran inside, Canada following behind me in to North's room. I opened the door and saw.... The room is a mess, papers everywhere,  liquid goo is dripping down the ceiling and the two are unconscious. 

This will be a pain in the ass. 

Time skip...

3rd Person's P.O.V.

Nobody dared to speak when they woke, they just looked at the mirror inspection their newly grown ears and tail. North have tiger ears and tail while China have some fore dragon features.

Canada: Should we call Vietnam?

South: I'll give her a call.

After a few minutes, Canada asked a question. "So, What happened?" China pointed at North. "ASK THAT FUCKER!!!" He screamed. North just rubbed his temple, "We are just mixing stuff then accidentally spilled some of it making our personality switch and while making a cure, it exploded making us pass out." North explained calmly. Canada sighed, "How long?" 

"About... maybe a week?"

This is a normal day if North and China are in the same room. 


So everyone decided that Canada will take North while Viet will take China to their own places while South clean the mess. Shall we take a look at Vietnam and China first shall we? 

Vietnam's P.O.V.

I entered the ASEAN household holding China close... No, It's more like HE is holding me close. Brunei, Cambodia and Laos are looking at me. Myanmar greeted, "Hey Viet!" He smiled, I just waved. China suddenly pulled me in his arms and hugged me tight. "MINE!" Calm down Vietnam, This is China with North's personality. 

I heard him growling, I only scratched the top of his head. He calmed down. 'He's like a giant puppy.' Myanmar cleared his throat. "Viet,  Singapore and Thailand went with ASEAN to buy groceries and the idiots will come home later." My eyes widened. "So, no ones going to stop them?"


China asked, "Who's them?"

"The idiots!"


Phil suddenly slammed the door. She's wearing a beanie in her head while running away, Indonesia then followed holding scissors and a cloth. "COME ON, PHIL! IT'S NOT THAT BAD! MAL, GET THE CHAIN!" Malaysia then entered holding a thick chain with heavy locks. How can he lift that by himself?

 Phil then opened the fridge and started throwing eggs. Brunei grabbed an umbrella as a shield. Laos and Cambodia ran upstairs and Myanmar jumped out the window. Malay dropped the chain and grabbed Indo as a shield. I was pulled under the table by China. 




I could feel China's body getting hotter. I remembered about his condition. He went out the table, due to curiosity, I peeked. The Kitchen is a mess, Eggs are everywhere, Milo scattered on the floor, whip cream designed the walls, Brunei is taped in the wall and the three of them are now throwing water balloons at each other. China talked, "You idiots! You need to stop! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Someone throwed a water balloon at him. Smoke then surrounded him. Fire started to show in his body making the other three terrified. 


Let's just say the cold water burned him and as punishment, he made them clean the place. ASEAN even thanked him for taming the trio.

Canada's P.O.V.

Everyone except Britain looked at North while chatting calmly and sharing tea with their father. I explained the situation with them yet they still don't believe what their looking at. 

Ame: Are you sure this is your BF?

Can: Yes

Ame: Is he still possessive?

Kiwi: I don't like where this is going.

Australia: Ame, What ever your planning, drop it.

France: Boys, when your brother have an idea there's no way you can stop him.

Can: I don't know.

Ame then pulled me then hugged me tightly. North looked at our direction, eye twitching and growling. He stood up and stand in all fours. He pounced at America. He dropped me and started to run North following him. 

I sighed and grabbed my laser and point it near the floor. North saw this and started to eye the light. His ears perked up and tried to grabbed it. He stared at me then his cheeks flushed red. I chuckled and lift him up. North wrapped his legs around my waist, my hands grabbed his ass for him not to fall and walked to my room.

We just cuddled all day since he's jealous.


That's all 


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