Stay With Me

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Blood leaked out of his armour. This was her worst nightmare. It shouldn't be this way for anyone. But here she was alone. Her love dying infront of her. On top of a mountain. Saxon's men surrounding them in the snow. Alone. Just them.

Cody's breathing became shallow. One hand held her's while the other covered over his wound. A blaster bolt and a slash across the the hip. Blood turned the snow into a dark tasteless red.

This wasn't what their life was meant to be.

Run away from the army and mandalorians and start new. But no....death is a cruel mistress.

"Take my helmet off....I...I want to....look at you" Bo Katan's was already off. Tears rushing down her distressed face. Her only cover from the rain was 1 lone standing tree, missing its leaves. The pink sun was beginning to set, this was it.

Carefully she lifted the helmet off and threw one side. A pained face greeted her, he looked exhausted. He had been fighting since dawn and now here they were at dusk.

Cody took his other arm away from the slash and placed it on top of his first. "Get out of here, or you'll die too" he warned her but those emerald eyes weren't listening.

"I want to die!" She said softly, so full of sadness and a little anger. How could he do this. She knew it wasn't his fault it just wasn't meant ti be this way.

"Don't this, I...I won't be there. Get out of...of...o..." he was drifting away. She was begging him to stay with her. Her moans and cries weren't enough to save him.

"Please don't" she begged.

"I will love you always, and I always will..." his head fell gently backwards into the snow. He was dead. For 4 years they thought they were safe here. The clone wars have been over for a decade and the empire wouldn't come to Bar'unta. But they were wrong. Such fools.

Now she was alone. Alone without her husband.

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