Date night

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A few weeks passed since the day Skylar's dad showed up and everything was back to normal once more. Blade and Skylar had gotten a lot closer and were still joined at the hip. Since Blade was worried about how Skylar's dad showing up affecting her he wanted to do something for her but wasn't sure on what so he sought help. When Skylar was out with Dusty just hanging out as friends he asked around and got a lot of good ideas so he then had the trouble of deciding what one, that's when Maru said to Blade about combining the ideas into one. Blade agreed as it would be simpler than deciding on just one idea so he snuck out and when onto the nearest town to get the things he needed. 

Later that night, as the moon shone down on the world and the dark starlit sky covered the earth on a twinkling blanket Blade put his plan into action. Blade went to get Skylar from the bunker where everyone was playing card games and laughing. He never got the hang of card games and could never understand certain things that others find fun even if they are dangerous. "hey babe can we go for a walk I wanna spend time together" Blade asked almost nervously but he was blushing which made everyone giggle and chuckle. 

Skylar chuckled at Blade being all cute but got up and put her hands on his cheeks "you're so adorable when you get like this but sure I would love that" Skylar said as Blade put a hand on Skylar's and held it as he started walking. Meanwhile, in the bunker, the others talked about how they think it will go and what could happen as they knew what Blade had planned but Dipper found it sweet and cute. 

Blade held Skylar close as he walked with her to where he had set up the surprise. Skylar had no clue what Blade had planned but she didn't care as she just likes being with him. Blade walked to a candlelit area with a picnic blanket and snacks and flowers which were Skylar's favorite. "B-Blade what is this?" Skylar asked shocked by what she was seeing. 
Blade rubbed the back of his head as he spoke "well I wanted to do something special for you and this is what the others suggested but there is one thing that was my idea" Blade said as he took out his phone and started whistling then singing as he walked over to Skylar and held her hand pulling her close. 

Skylar blushed but danced with Blade not knowing Blade was this romantic. After Blade stopped singing they kissed and hugged before sitting down and enjoying the picnic. Blade laid down and rest his head on Skylar's lap hiding his face a little embarrassed about what he just did with the song. Skylar however thought it was sweet and thoughtful of Blade but seeing this side of him was new and she found it adorable. They stayed there watching the stars and making up their own constellations in the sky and laughing about things that have happened since they met. 

Blade was glad and happy to see Skylar laughing carefree as he felt like doing this date night helped her forget what happened, besides she helped him with his past so now it was his turn to help her. Although Skylar thought that this was it little did she know Blade still had something else planned. Blade pulled Skylar close to him and moved her so she was on his lap facing him. They got lost in each other's eyes as their faces drew closer, soon enough their lips were touching and they were making out. Skylar had her hands on Blade's chest as Blade had his arms around Skyler but one of his hands moved up her body and onto her cheek. 

After a while, they pulled away, packed up, and headed home with their faces bright red but they went straight to bed and slept the rest of the night. The next morning everyone was asking how it went and each time they would blush talk about it but would always miss out on one detail, however, Blade would miss out on the part where he sang but Skylar told everyone which made Blade go bright red with embarrassment and hide his face in Skylar's neck. 

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