Settling into the new home and life

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This will be the last chapter of this book but if you want more please comment about your ideas on what should happen.

Blade held out his hand to Skylar and she took it as she stepped out of the helicopter. "Maru!" blade yelled.
"yeah, what" the person called Maru yelled back to Blade, Skylar could already tell that they were friends and what this Maru was like. 
"get over here" blade shouts to Maru making sure he hears him as Maru walks over. "this is Skylar, she will be staying with us now. she was caught in the fire so could you check her over for me?" BLade asks as Skylar waves a little as she holds her bags and guitar close.
"sure but where will she stay we don't have anymore bunker's" Maru said as he started to check Skylar over for any injuries, luckily she came out unscathed. 
"right, mmm...she can stay with me in my bunker. she seems comfortable around me so I can help her settle in" blade said slightly blushing "and maybe she can help me but it will be hard" blade thought to himself, he knew Nick would want for Blade to be happy but how can he. Everywhere Blade looked he could see and smell nick, he missed him so much making Blade feel lonely. "if that's ok with you Skylar" Blade asked. 

"yeah that's ok, I feel safe with you around and I could do with some comfort" Skylar responded blushing. Blade nodded at Skylar as he looked at Maru, who shocked his head and Blade sighed. 
"looks good, I'm glad you have no major injuries" blade sighed. 
"My lungs hurt though" Skylar coughed
"that's because of the smoke but with some fresh air you will get better" Blade said as he rubbed Skylar's head and smiled. "come on let's get you settled into my bunker " blade spoke as he takes Skylar's hand and starts walking towards his sleeping quarters. Blade opened the door and Skylar walked in, she started to settle in and make it more like her home as well as so she started to unpack her belongings. 
"Blade, can we talk outside?" Maru asked Blade
"sure Maru" Blade answered a little confused. Skylar looked over and she watched Blade and Maru walk outside to talk. 

"What's wrong Maru?" Blade asked
"you smiled, you haven't smiled since the accident, maybe she can help you heal and be at peace" Maru said 
"maybe but I don't know" Blade responded as he looked away and walked back inside his bunker. "you ok in here Skylar?"
"yeah, hey umm could you train me to be a firefighter I want to make sure no one suffers like I did" Skylar says with determination in her voice. Blade's eyes widen a little as his eyes shined and glistened, Skylar reminded Blade of himself when he first joined so Blade nodded.

A few years past and Skylar was now a firefighter and Blades right hand; where he went Skylar was always nearby. They had gotten close and comfortable with one another. Blade already started to heal, He started to be happy again and after a while, he soon fell in love with someone again. 

One night, when everyone was asleep Skylar snuck out and walked over to a cliff with her guitar, and sung. Back at the bunker's everyone was sound asleep but Blade woke up from a flashback of Nick that soon turned into a nightmare. As blood spilled out of him. "you did this to me, you couldn't save me Blade" the dead Nick said "you're forgetting about me Blade, your moving on" Nick from the nightmare then lashed out at Blade as Blade then woke up in a sweat. That's when Blade walked out as tears streamed down his face that's when he heard Skylar's singing, the stars became brighter and things became clearer he then knew that Nick would want him to move on but Blade will never forget him. 
Skylar's song hit his heart as tears still streamed down his face but at the same time, he was smiling. He slowly walked towards Skylar as the tears slowly stopped falling. Blade stood there and waited till she stopped singing. "you're voice is beautiful, Skylar" Blade smiled and blushed; Skylar, thinking she was all alone, jumped in surprise.
"Blade, when did you wake up...did you just hear me sing, this is embarrassing" Skylar covered her face as she goes red. Blade smiles and crouches down in front of her as he moves her hands away making her look at him. She notices Blades tear-stained face, "you've been crying?" Skylar states as she gently places her hand on Blade's cheeks.
Blade, not having this type of affection in a long time, jumps and blushes but stays looking at Skylar. Both not realizing, their faces grew closer, Skylar's hand moving to Blade's shoulders while Blade's hands reached up to Skylar's cheeks and pull her close. Their lips touched, their kisses slowly become heated as their bodies touch. Blades hands explore Skylar's body as Skylar's hands explore Blade's chest feeling every muscle. Blade pulls Skylar close to his body as he slowly pinned her to the grassy wild floor. Their lips slowly parted as they looked into each other's eyes lovingly, both panting for the cold night air as they smile. "Skylar, I don't know if I'm ready for this" blade scaredly says as tears start to form.
"Blade what do you mean? I love you and only you so talk to me, please" Skylar pleaded wanting to be with Blade. Blade nods and sits up as he starts to tell Skylar his past with Nick, with tears falling down his face. Skylar slowly sat up and after Blade was done talking she pulled him into her chest letting him cry it out. "I want to help you so please let me do that, Nick would want you to be happy and love again" Skylar calmly and lovingly says just as she starts to get cold. "let's go back to the bunker and sleep or at least warm-up, maybe even cuddle in bed together" Blade not wanting to talk yet simply nods so holding hands they walk back to their home. 

From that day on, they slept together cuddling into one another taking it slow in this newly founded relationship. Skylar helped Blade every way she knew how and over the next few years Blade improved and became at peace with his past. 
They built a memorial to remember all their fallen comrades instead of that wall of fame which then became a reward wall and meet the team as they would let schools in to show them around and talk about what they do, how they do it, and even demonstrate it with practice fires. This helped raise the income and helped improve the place, getting better equipment and facilities. 
A few years past and Skylar and Blade got married and lived happily ever after but soon even they would have a new arrival to the family that the team would help so the couple would have time together and remember happy memories but even then Blade never forgot about his first lover Nick. 

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