Chapter 10

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It was an odd day. After Wesley and I broke up, I went to the bathroom and cried for a good 20 minutes. I cried because of the break up but mostly because I wasn’t making a comeback. Then Jeremy comes about and again pulls some romantic stunt that made my legs feel like jell-o.

            Wesley and I dominated the gymnastics world. He was all around world champion and so was I. The press bought it instantly and we often had to stage romantic and elaborate dates just so the press would go gaga over us. It was all the PR coordinator’s idea. It probably helped that I grew my hair out and dyed my hair brunette when I came to JBA.

            Obviously I got the roommate and clique fix when we went back to our dorm.

            “What did he say?”

            “Did he kiss you again?”

            “Did he ask you out?”

            “Are you guys a couple now?”

            I laughed immediately, “He doesn’t want to move so quickly after Wesley and I broke up.”

            Mia giggled, “But he still wants to move with you!”

            I rolled my eyes, “I guess so.”

            We couldn’t help burst out in laughter.

            “We kind of told each other we loved each other,” I blurted.

            “What?! That’s a one month milestone!” Rayna exclaimed.

            “You have milestones for your relationship?” I laughed.

            “That escalated really quickly,” Alexa agreed.

            “I blurted it out. Or something like it and he said it back. Is it really that big a deal?”

            “Yes!” All three yelled in my face in unison.

            We went to a party held at a nearby campsite. There was a bonfire and people were roasting marshmallows. We were sitting on logs. This was my sixth bonfire in two months, I had realized.

            “So there aren’t any frat or wild parties that go on here at JBA?” I asked Jeremy.

            “There are, but they’re really discreet. Usually mini parties in dorm rooms are by cliques and huge ragers are done by the popular and the elite. Ragers are in town so you got to sneak out of school grounds,” Jeremy replied.

            “Has anyone been busted?”

            “Oh no, every time the school gets a lead, the party venue changes and people are cut off the list.”

            “Have you been to one?”

            “Once; it was when the whole Olympic hopeful, Michael Phelps’ nephew story got out. It’s crazy. There were people getting high in one corner, getting it off in the woods and tons of drunken teenagers. One experience was enough, honestly,” he replied.

            “Sounds like a typical party,” I shrugged.

            He looked impressed, “I never dubbed you for a party girl.”

            “I’ve been to some, but never drank or taken drugs before. You know all about the random drug checks.”

            He laughed, “Feels like a lifetime ago!”

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