Chapter 5

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I didn’t really mind trying cheerleading out. It was the possibility, however slight, that was holding me back. Even if there was just a one in a tenth chance of me getting back into elite gymnastics and competing in the 2016 Olympics in Rio, I’d take that chance.

            I shook my head and told myself firmly not to think about it anymore. I got out of the shower and put on my favourite set of pyjamas and joined my friends who were watching Gossip Girl.

            After the episode ended, Rayna got up and said, “Okay, girl time!” She skipped to get some facial masks.

            After we all put on the facial masks, Alexa declared peace, “Savannah, I’m sorry I was a bitch to you. Can we start over?”

            Rayna rolled her eyes, “Alexa’s kissing your ass so you’d join the cheer team.”

            Alexa scoffed, “Am not!”

            I laughed, “Whatever, Alexa I accept.”

            “Good, so you’re on the cheer team?”

            I sighed, “I need to get out of here.”

            “Where to? The cafeteria?” Mia asked.

            I shook my head, “No, this school. I don’t belong here. I want to try out for the 2016 team.”

            “How’re you going to do that?” Rayna asked.

            “Doing the impossible; by convincing my coach that I haven’t peaked so he’ll convince my mom.”

            “What’s your plan, boss?” Alexa said with a scheming hunger.

            “I have to master bigger skills; skills no one dares to compete at the Olympics because it’s too risky. I need to master those, and execute them flawlessly and consistently for anyone to take me seriously,” I replied.

            “Jonathan Rae,” Alexa muttered in realisation.

            Before any of us could respond, Alexa snapped her fingers multiple times and stood up pacing the room, repeating the name.

            I turned to Mia, “Does she do this a lot?”

            “Shh! It’s rare, but it’s when she has a great idea,” Mia whispered.

            “Thank you so much, Alexa. I can’t even begin to tell you how much this means to me,” I said.

            “Just go,” she smiled genuinely. This was so not normal Alexa behaviour. I could only hope she didn’t have an ulterior motive.

            I went through an old passage way—quite similar to Hogwarts’ secret tunnel to Hogsmeade, because it was never touched during the school’s renovation—and had to hold my breath so I won’t gag and faint.

            When I reached the end of the passage way, I yelled back into the passage way, “I’ve reached the other end!”

            I could hear Rayna exhaling loudly, “Thank goodness, Savannah! Good luck!”

            I mumbled a quick thank you and headed off. The end of the passage way resembled a human sized cat flap in a wall. The wall was painted as if it were an actual door. The artist was quite precise with their strokes of the brush, it looked really realistic.

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