55. Osasuna

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Main pairing: Miya Osamu x Suna Rintarou

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: 🌤


Osamu: Woah... We've been talking for 5 hours now. It's getting late, we should sleep. We have practice tomorrow morning.

*Suna, sighing*: You're right. Good night, Samu.

*Suna accidentally misses the end call button, and as Osamu is about to comment on it, Suna starts to sing and Osamu admits, Suna has a nice voice*

Suna: Secrets I have held in my heart,

Suna: Are harder to hide than I thought...

*Suna's voice quivering*: Maybe I just wanna be yours,

*Suna's voice becomes a whisper as he continues singing the lyrics of the song*: I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours... (The song is called 'I wanna be yours' from 'Arctic Monkeys' btw)

Suna: He'll never love me back... Why did it have to be 'Samu?

Osamu: Suna?

Suna: O-oh... Sorry... B-bye.

Osamu: Wai-

*the next day*

*Suna came to school in the middle of practice*

Suna: Sorry for being late.

Kita: Suna do you realize that it's the middle of-

*Kita stops talking as she notices Suna's bloodshot and puffy eyes, which was understandable, since he spent all night crying about how he ruined everything he had with Osamu* 

Kita: Are-are you ok, Suna?

Suna: Yes, I spent the whole night producing oxytocin and endogenous opioids. 

(Crying for long periods of time releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, otherwise known as endorphins. These feel-good chemicals can help ease both physical and emotional pain)

Kita: Oh my, poor thing. Come here.

*Suna hugs Kita and buries his head on Kita's shoulder* 

Kita: Wanna tell me?

*Suna, mumbling*: Not here. He's here. 

Kita: Oh... Aran, can you please continue practice while I talk to  Suna outside?

Aran: Sure.

Atsumu: What did Suna mean by that?

Aran: He meant that he cried all night.

Atsumu: Wha-

Osamu: Fuck.

*Meanwhile, outside*

Suna: So, that's what happened. 

Kita: I'm sorry.

Suna: It's not your fault.

Kita: Are you ok?

Suna: ...

*Osamu comes outside as Suna says that and Kita goes in the gym again*

Osamu: Suna, can you please listen to me for a minute?

Suna: No. I can't lose you too, Osamu. You're the only person I have left. (I wanna make this tragic, so his parents died in a car accident when he was a baby and he lost his only living family member a month ago) I know that you think I'm disgusting and you hate me and-

Osamu: I love you. 

Suna: W-what?

Osamu: I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. Suna Rintarou,  I love you. (I rewatched 'Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai' don't blame me...)

*Osamu then kisses Suna*

*After the kiss, Suna buries his head in Osamu's neck*

Suna: Can we skip school?

Osamu: Let me get our stuff and then we can leave.

Suna: Ok.

*Osamu goes in the gym to get their stuff*

*Kita, smiling*: You better not make him cry from now on.

*Osamu, smiling*: I won't.

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