Polyjuice Potion plan

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"Do you think it's true? Do you really think there is a chamber of secrets?" ron asked as we were walking I stayed quiet i didn't know what to say or think if it is open it would be my fault
"Yes, Couldn't you tell Mcgonagall's worried. All the teachers are" Hermione said
"But if there really is a chamber of secrets and it really has been opened that means-" harry was cut off by Draco
"The heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts" I started to doze off i didn't know what to do. I can't even remember most things. All i got from them was Polyjuice Potion and Adrian. I didn't noticed i had stopped walking and that they all turned to look at me
"y/n hey are you ok" I look at Draco
"hm..... oh um..... yea-yea i'm fine" giving him a fake smile but he seemed to buy it
"Well we are thinking of using Polyjuice Potion to tried to find out what Adrian knows"
"Ok well do we know we are turning to" I play along i mean maybe he can know something but i know i did it i just couldn't do or say anything. They all looked at each other
"y/n we said who we are turning to already Hermione is turning into Millicent Bulstrode, Harry is turning into Goyle and Ron is turning into Crabbe I'm going to be waiting and decide you can change into.... Pansy" I go wide eye in disguise
"WHAT!!" everyone looked at us as harry put his hand over my mouth and said
"Y/n you want to be a little louder i don't think everyone heard you" I roll my eyes
"why me pansy"
"Because we already got our people so are you doing it"
"Fine i'll do it" Just as we were about to leave i heard a voice i know

"Black!"I turn around and see cormac i mean he's ok but he's really not for me
"Hey i was wondering if you wanted to go to the library tomorrow help me with greenhouse. You know since you know so much" He says taking me hand. I look and see the boys glaring at him and Hermione looks disgusted.... I need to think of something.
"I'm sorry i already said i'll help harry with greenhouse" Removing my hand
"oh- well i mean if it's just you too then i could jo-"
"No! i mean uh I already agree to help the boys see since i know so much i already said i'll help them and Hermione to. I mean like shes helping me help them sorry but you know can't help to many people" i said as i did a small laugh awkwardly we all just stood there in awkward silence. Thank god Hermione broke it.
"Well it was- er- Nice? to see you but we really should get going"
"Right we'll till then lupin" he winked and walked away I see the boys still glare at them as he walks back.

We were now in the library i was siting looking for A book me and Hermione found it
"Boys we found it" I said as we went to them hermione started reading
"Properly brewed the polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another"
"You mean if Ron and harry drink that stuff they'll turn into crabbe and Goyle?"
"Wicked Clearwater will tell us anything"
"uh- but it's tricky, hermione i've never seen a more complicated potion this will take about a month to make"
"A month but y/n Hermione if clearwater is the heir of slytherin he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then"
"We know harry but it's the only plan we've got".

                                 3rd POV
Harry and Y/n were playing our quidditch game Slytherin had just scored and the score was now 30- 90 slytherin. In the crowd is Adrians parents and Draco's dad.
"All right there scarhead?"  before harry could answer a budget came towards them. Harry ducked before it can hit him as he flew away it started chasing him Oliver got knocked off his broom. Harry finally came to a stop as y/n went to him
"Harry are you alright?"
"Yea i'm fine y/n" He said giving her a smile
"All right" y/n flew back to the game she got a quaffle and started flying what she didn't know is that a slytherin hit a budger towards her she looked back to see if anyone was there when she looked forward she saw the budger she dropped the quaffle but before she could move she got hit in her stomach making her fall off

"No!" Harry and draco yelled as Hermione covered her eyes she couldn't watch and Ron looked scared, everyone else gasp. Amelia and Alex look like they were going to hex who did that but was still worried, Cho was clenching on Alex's arm scared and Cedric was watching with wide-eyes. Y/n was falling as she felt someone catch her she saw Fred as harry was right next to him with her broom. she got back on her broom
"You ok little sis" fred asked
"yea yea i'm fine just go back to the game i'm ok" he ruffled her hair and went back
"Are you sure your ok y/n"
"I'm fine harry i promise" 

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