Red eyes

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                                Y/N POV
"again" harry was telling us about what happened last night "you mean the chamber of secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asks
"Of course don't you see it Robert Clearwater must have opened it when he was at school here and now he's taught Draco how to do it."
"Maybe. Wel have to wait for the Polyjucie Potion"
"What time is it?" I asked
"2:30" (Random time)
"Oh i have to go. Detention bye!" I walked out and on my way out i bumped into ginny and look to see she had the book i was writing in the one that can control you I pulled her into an empty hall
"Ginny why do you have that"
"Well i was looking for you and i heard something and it sound like it was coming from here so i thought i can ask you about it because i had blacked out and now i don't know what going on" I explain what's been happening "You not alone i'll help you get rid of it somehow but also when i pick this up i black out and had flashes like i was the one petrifying them"
"Ginny i can't drag you into this-"
"I'm already i this y/n you are my sister i will help you get rid of it some how but it hard when you keep losing you memories"
"That's my final answer y/n, Let's go"

                     Hermione's POV

After y/n left i thought i should tell the boys now
"Hey boys?"
"yea?" They all answered
"Do you think y/n is being a bit odd"
"Odd? How?" harry asked
"I kind of see it but i just figured she was scared of what's going on" Draco said
"Well last night i was getting ready for bed but y/n wasn't then and i realized i hadn't seen her since we were with you harry"
"Yea she stayed for it bit but she left before curfew Hermione"
"Well she never came back. Anyways she got back late like really late at night and she said that she tried to visit you harry, but like i said  she never came back, and said that she got caught"
"see that explains it Hermione" Draco said
"No Draco she said she got caught by filch and just gave her detention sending her back to the common room." I said as the boys look at each weird. "Filch would have sent her to snape or someone she would have probably been expelled or something. She said that her detention is to clean the whole third floor"
"Are you suspecting y/n, Hermione?" Ron asked

"I don't know it's just what i think"
"No it can't be her, I mean she wouldn't she can't?" Draco said
"I don't know Draco I just find it weird she being out the same time harry head the voice and someone got petrified but she was fine i don't know i really don't want to believe it i'm just saying."
"Well when dobby vist me last night he said that their eyes flash red when they are angry so.... Actually when Clearwater called you that foul word Hermione i thought i saw a little flash red " Harry says
"I saw it too but i thought i was just seeing things" Ron jumps in
We all got quite
"Well if it is her how are we going to find out she isn't exactly going to come up to us and say 'oh i'm the one petrifying people' I still don't believe it though" Draco says
"Look i might change my person and change into....... Ginny" Ron looks at me
"Are you mental?!! that's my sister I'm not letting you change into her. Why would you?"
"Because when i was waking she asked if i seen y/n but I hadn't and she told me it was something important something only she knows" They all look at me I look at Draco
"Ok if Ron is ok with you turning into ginny then fine i won't stop you i just want the truth and see if my cousin is ok and if you have to do that then do it" Ron then smirks and looks at draco

"But are you ok with her turning into ginny" he hit ron on the arm and went wide eye as we laugh honestly it would be great. Draco with ginny. Y/n with harry. Me and ron we could all be on big family...... wait me with ron! no no no nope no! Ron then interrupts my thought
"Enlighten me again why we are brewing this potion in broad daylight in the middle of the girls lavatory. Don't you think we'll get caught?" I answer him
"No, no one ever comes in here"
"Moaning Myrtle"
"who" i see the ghost behind him and see draco nudge harry to look behind Ron
"Moaning Myrtle" i repeat
"Who's Moaning Myrtle"
"I'm Moaning Myrtle" she pops in front of Ron then flies to the top "I wouldn't expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping Moaning Myrtle. Aren't there supposed to be 5 wheres the other"
"Shut up Myrtle" I say
"Oh mad at her you should be i mean after what she did to the poor kid" we all look at her
"What do you mean"
"Oh that kid she petrified it was awful" I grab an empty potion bottle and throw it threw her head (50 points to Hermione)

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