Till next time

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Harrys POV

Me, Ron and Draco were in Dumbledores office he dismissed y/n she wasn't expelled lucky but I don't about us
"You three do realize, of course that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules"
"Yes sir" we said
"and there is sufficient evidence to have you three expelled"
"yes sir" we said again
"Therefore it is only fitting that you both receive Special Awards from Service to the school" we smiled at each
"Thanks sir"
"Now Mr.Weasley, Mr.Malfoy. If you would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe we want our gamekeeper back" He handed them the paper as they walked away

(sorry i'm lazy)

Just then the door opened i see Mr.Clearwater and Mr.Malfoy with dobby behind them
"I'll deal with you later" Malfoy says as they start to walk
"Out of our way potter" Clearwater says as Malfoy pushed me out of the way with his cane and they talk to Dumbledore "So it's true you have returned"
"When the governors learned that Arthur Weasley's sons best friend was taken into the chamber, they saw fit to summon me back"
"Ridiculous." Malfoy said
"Curiously Lucius, Robert several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place"
"How dare you?" Clearwater said
"I beg your pardon"
"My sole concern has always been and will always be the welfare of this school and, of course, it's students." he said looking at me then turn back to Dumbledore "The culprit has been identified I presume"
"Oh yes"
"and?" Malfoy said
"Who was it" Clearwater asked
"ah" they said as if they already knew but that's when i started to piece it together he gabbed Ginny's book to put the diary in her cauldron but y/n gabbed Ginny's book and diary so it ended up in her bag

"Only this time he chose to act through somebody else by means of this"
"I see"
"Fortunately, our young Mr.Potter discovered it." I look at dobby who is looking at Lucius saying the book was his I jumped back in when Mr.Clearwater started talking "Well let us hope that Mr.Potter will always be around to save the day" he said as they both galore at me
"Don't worry, I will be" I say confidently
"Dumbledore" they both say as a good bye Malfoy called Dobby to go with the as he kicked dobby to the ground. I had asked for the book and put my sock in it and confronted Malfoy and Clearwater for what they did and what happened Malfoy passed it to dobby as dobby opened it revealing the sock he was presented with cloths that means he's free. They tried to hurt me but dobby protected me as i said bye to him.

                ∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ Time skip ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

We were in the great hall, I was siting with Ron and Draco, y/n was with ginny a few people down from us just the i hear neville
"Harry you guys look it's Hermione"
we look and got up as she ran up and hugged me and then Draco she as about to hug Ron but he took his hand out to shake..... They are so going to get married it's obvious. After they shook hands she look around probably for y/n when we saw her she was looking at Hermione with a big smile clapping. Hermione walked up to her as y/n stood up. I think she thought Hermione was going to hit her but instead she hugged her and before y/n could hug back she pulled away smiling at her then walked back to us
"I can't believe you 3 solved it"
"we had loads of help from you" Draco told her as we sat down. Just then Hagrid comes
"Sorry i'm late. The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol" I look at Ron who was red looking down Hagrid stopped at us "And I'd just like to say if it hadn't been for you harry and Ron and Draco and Hermione of course i'll still be you know where so i'd just like to say thanks" I stood up
"There's no Hogwarts without you Hagrid" I hugged him and pulled away clapping. Hagrid look at y/n who was standing clapping with a smile. He walked to her and hugged her. When he pulled away he whispered to her she looked at us and nodded...... I wonder what he said..... It was kinda good ending i wish y/n was with us.

               ∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ Time skip ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆
                              Y/n's POV

I was walking with Cedric, Cho, Amelia,Alex and Ginny when we got there we see Draco,Hermione, Ron and Harry
"Go" Alex said to me and ginny i didn't even notice we were staring
"Go, Go talk to them we see how much you guys miss them. We'll see you next you"
"Have a good summer bye" they hugged us and said bye. Me and ginny walked to them I was in front of harry with Ron on his right and Draco on his left with Hermione on his right as ginny is in front of them I started talking
"Look we are sorry we shouldn't have pushed you guys away. I should have told you the truth i was just scared. Hermione i'm so sorry i tried to save you as best i could-" ginny cut me off
"I'm so so so so sorry to all of you especially you hermione I petrified you and i feel horrible i tried to fight it but it wouldn't let me-" I vut her off
"We get it if you don't forgive us we just wanted to tell you that we're-" I was cut off by harry hugging me as Draco hugged ginny. Harry whispered to me "Like i said before 'I'll wait as long as it take' you don't need to apologize" When we  pulled away Ron hugged me then Hermione i look at Draco
"Draco....." He pulled me into a bone crushing hug
"I'm so sorry Draco i didn't mean what I said I do need you your my cousin" I say with tears in my eyes
"It's ok we forgive you guys"
"Come one lets go on the train" we all sat together in a compartment i was in between Draco and Harry while ginny was in between Ron and Hermione. I'm glad I have them back.
Once we got to the train station I saw my dad with mr. and mrs. Weasley
"Hi little wolf was this year better?"
"No not really"
"What happened also who is Draco staying with"
"I'll tell you when we get home and let me go ask" I walk over to Draco who is with mrs.Weasley me
"Hey dray my dad wants to know who you're staying with"
"Oh uh-"
"Go with y/n this summer spend time with your cousin it's ok Draco"
"Are you sure mrs.Weasley?"
"Yes and its molly ok"
"Ok thank you" he gave her a hug as she hugged back
"I'm going to talk to you dad y/n and let him know I had said bye already" he went with my dad
"Ok" I walk over to Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry I said bye to Ron, Hermione and Ginny and again it was just me and harry
"Well see you next time harry and i'm sorry again" I looked down but then he cupped the bottom of my chin and had me look at hi
"Hey don't be you couldn't control it's ok I'm the one the should be sorry and i am"
"It's fine" He pulled me into a hug with my head on his chests since i'm smaller

Weasley?""Yes and its molly ok""Ok thank you" he gave her a hug as she hugged back "I'm going to talk to you dad y/n and let him know I had said bye already" he went with my dad"Ok" I walk over to Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry I said bye to Ron, ...

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(Like that)

I felt him kiss the top of my head and i can feel my face burn but our little moment was interrupt by Harry's uncle
"Come on boy i don't have all day" I look at harry who looks sad
"Hey of your able to you can come visit me, my dad and Draco this summer"
"Thanks y/n"
"Of course well bye then harry"
"Bye" he walked to his uncle while i walked to my dad and cousin who both had smirks on their faces
"what?" i asked
"When are you and harry getting together" Draco asked I started to get even more red
"They aren't together?" my dad asked as I shook my head
"No everyone is waiting" Draco said
"Ok let's go" I said walking

Draco's POV

"We even betted on then" I told Mr.Lupin as y/n walked away
"We did too i mean me, her dad and, harry's parents" he said chuckling
"Thank you again Mr.Lupin"
"Of course Draco your family and call me remus" I nodded and we got home y/n showed me around and even gave me a room.

I am so lucky to have her as my cousin.

ahhhhh omg finished year 2 next year three. Things are going to happen omg ! I've been thinking about years 3-5 since book 1 anyways make sure to read these book it would make more sense then jumping to year 3 but if you want to then go ahead. Thank you for reading

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