Till death do us part

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Clays POV-

I stand here, staring in the direction I watched the person fall so delicately. The small splash of them hitting the water replaying in my ears. They have not come up yet. Not even for one small breathe.

Tears threaten to fall from my eyes. That couldn't have been George, right..?

'Y-you don't think that was George do you?' Karl asks, also very worried at the sight he just saw.

'Guys, come on, George would never do that, besides I don't think he would have any reason to.' Nick reply's, putting an arm around each of the boys shoulders.

'Yeah, you're probably right Nick, although we should go and find George now.'


'Yes Karl.' Nick asks.

'Isn't that Techno coming from the lighthouse..'

On closer inspection, Karl was right. Techno left the lighthouse, looking slightly panicked. My heart drops at the realisation that George was the one falling from the lighthouse. And it was Technos fault.

My vision blurs, and I make my way directly to Techno, not knowing what I will do, or what I am going to say. When I arrive, I simply stare at him, warm tears rapidly falling down my face. He puts his hands up almost in defeat.

'L-look man, I'm sorry. I went to go.. talk to him. He ran away up there and I followed. I locked the door so he couldn't get down. Next thing I know is he jumps over the railings. I-I, I couldn't stop him!' Techno explains, shaking slightly.

I pounce at him, mercilessly throwing punch after punch.


Techno lays on the ground, with me on top of him. He isn't fighting back, he is just taking the punches. The fucking easy way out as always.

'W-what do you expect me to do now..' Tears fall down my face faster, I stop punching for a minute. He could really be gone, all because Techno couldn't handle loosing. Couldn't handle someone else being happy.

'Come on Dream, maybe he is ok, we should go look for George, we have wasted enough time up here.' Nick says, pulling my shoulder so I would stand up. I take one last look at the bloodied Techno laying on the floor, breathing heavily from all of the hard hits he had taken.

But it didn't make me feel any better like I thought it would.

We walk back down to the shore line, I don't even notice where we are, I am completely zoned out, thinking of nothing and absolutely everything at the same time.

'GEORGE?' Nick and Karl both shout out. At first I though they could see him, but they were just calling out for him, trying hopelessly to find him in the miles and miles of beach and ocean we could see. The chances were slim at this point.

Or so we thought..

We hear someone cough from behind us and we all snap our heads around. We are met with a cold, shivering, soaking wet George.

'I don't recommend going for a swim, its fucking freezing. Oh and it took you guys long enough to get here jeez, the one time I actually need you fools.' He laughs, coughing mid way.

Me, Nick and Karl all look between each other, then back at George.

'Have I broke you guys?' George asks, waving his hand in our faces.

I decide to make the first move, pulling him in for a long deep hug. Almost like I have been touch starved, like we haven't seen each other in years, but it had only been about half an hour. He warps his hands tight around my waist.

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