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jungkook, i hope you remember our first kiss the same way i do. it was my first, my first kiss both with a boy and ever. i'll never forget the night you took my breath away and stole my heart under the streetlights, swept me away like in all those romance novels, and we might have been kissing in front of the gate to my house at 8 PM, your face golden and glowing in the light, the faint sound of traffic behind us, but to me, it felt like a kiss under the stars in, say, Paris at midnight, the Seine rushing next to us, leg kicked up like the silhouette of every 1960's movie poster.

and that kiss might have broken so many of the rules in my life i'd been accustomed to: no dating, no hookups, stay away from people below you, no sneaking out, no leaving the house after 6, no boys, but god, jungkook, i think about it every day, the corner of your mouth that's always twisted up into a smile, how soft it was when my lips brushed it. the taste of you and your hands in my hair, mine around your waist, the way you laughed and whispered something against my lips and lifted me up.

do you still remember?

And yes, he does, he could never forget that night in front of the Park's mansion, him in his varsity jacket and sweats and Jimin in pastels and Cartier.

- Flashback -

"Are your parents home?". Jungkook asked as they stopped in front of Jimin's house, well, Jungkook would call it a mansion, a villa, and contrary to Jungkook's neighbourhood, where all the old, grey apartment buildings are clustered in one alley, the closest house is over a block away, because of course Jimin's family needs plenty of space for all their cars and gardens and the mansion twice the size of the entire apartment building Jungkook lives in, probably over twenty times the size of his own tiny apartment.

"They're coming in half an hour.". Jimin answered.

"Good thing we got you home fast then, huh?".

Jimin laughed quietly, hoping that the blush rising up his face isn't nearly as visible in the dark, looking up at Jungkook, face cast golden in the light from the street lamps surrounding them.

"Um, well, bye, then.". He mumbled.

"Before you go...". Jimin looked up again, eyes wide as Jungkook rested his hand on his hip, pulling him closer by his waist, breath hitching as he cupped his face in his hands.

"Can I kiss you?". Jungkook asked, and Jimin let out a breathless "Yeah".

Jungkook brought his lips down on Jimin's, and Jimin let out a breathless, startled sound, Jungkook's lips warm and soft on his, moving slowly and softly against his, and shit, he could see why kissing was such a big deal in the movies, because he had never felt anything as good as Jungkook kissing him, hand sliding from his face to his neck to his hair, ruffling it gently as Jimin leaned into the kiss, grip around Jungkook's waist tightening.

Finally, they pulled away, both of them breathless and blushing until Jimin pulled Jungkook closer, standing on his toes to press another chaste kiss to his lips.

"Thank you.". He whispered, and Jungkook smiled in return.

"Why are you thanking me?".

Jimin smiled softly, reaching up, tangling his fingers in Jungkook's hair.

"Just... thank you. For taking me out today. For kissing me. For loving me. For... everything.".

- End of flashback -

But even now, reading everything he's written, knowing how he feels, Jungkook can't help but wonder why. Why did he do this to him? How could he tell him he loves him after breaking his heart like that? How could Jimin, his Jimin even think of leaving them, telling him he fucking loves him and then dissapear like that.

He doesn't know what his parents did to him, but whatever it was, he's ready to do anything to get him back.

And so, he turns the page again, and unlike the other pages, there's nothing in between the creases of the paper, just a note.

jungkook, darling, i know there was no keepsake of our kiss that i could keep, Jimin wrote. but i'll always keep that memory, until the day i die, the way you kissed me so lovingly, the way your eyes glittered in the light and the way in that moment, i wanted nothing but to stay in your arms and kiss you forever.

and i still do. sitting here, writing this, i just want to be back with you. i don't want what's to come, i don't want to have to never see you again, i don't want to leave you.

but i have to.

for this chapter of our love, just... remember. remember us.

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