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"He's going to leave you alone now," Ellie announced to Lily as we entered the Common Room again. Lily looked so relieved. She was sitting with James on the couch by the fireplace. Her green eyes were puffy from crying. James had an arm around her waist, comforting her.
"Thanks Ellie, but you didn't need to do that for me."
"Yes I did," she says as she started to unwrap her scarf from her neck.
I sat next to James and instantly started gloating about how awesome my girlfriend is. "She was on fire, you should have seen her Prongs. She really let him have it. He's not going to bother Lily ever again. I think he might be scared of Ellie."
James laughed at that information, "Good job, Bunny."
"Don't call her that," I said and at the same time I could hear Ellie saying, "Don't call me that," in just as a sharp tone as I had.
James responded by rolling his brown eyes. Ellie headed up to the girl's dorms to put her scarf and robes back in her dorm. I watched her until I could no longer see her. "She's seriously amazing. You should have seen her out there. Blasting nonverbal spells at Snivellus like a mad woman. She was on fire. I didn't even have to step in, she handled him all on her own. Like I said I'm pretty sure he's scared of her now."
"Awe, look at you, Moons. You're gushing," teased James as he nudged my side. "Look at him Lils. He's beaming."
"He's in love," said Lily, who was smiling happily.
"I love her so much," I said without even thinking about it, "I am so lucky to have her." Ellie entered the Common Room again, this time she was in her school uniform of a grey skirt and white button down shirt with the Gryffindor tie and a grey vest. I took her hand and pulled her onto my lap and I said, "We were just talking about you." And I kissed her cheek.
"Oh yeah? About what?" She asked.
"Just how much I love you," I tell her and I start kissing her cheek over and over again. She starts to giggle. I love the sound so much I don't stop because I want to keep making her giggle.
"You guys being insufferable and adorable over here?" Sirius asked as he approached us with Peter at his side.
"They definitely are insufferable sometimes," said Peter, sounding like he was just jealous.
"I think they're cute," said Lily, who was smiling.
"Thanks Lils," I say, smiling back at her.
We spent the rest of the night in the Common Room together. Lily seemed to feel better as the time went by. I was glad that she felt better as the time went on, because she shouldn't let Severus Snape male her so upset. He's not worth it.
That night, when we were in our dorm for the night, Sirius came up to my bed and handed me an envelope. In a very casual tone, he said,  "You can have this if you want." Then he walked back to his bed. I open the already opened envelope, and I found a very elaborate and expensive looking diamond ring.
"Sirius, what is this?" I ask, examining the ring.
"It was my grandmothers. She passed away recently, of course no one told me about it. I guess she didn't have time to take me out of her Will before she passed. I got that earlier today. You keep it."
I look up at him now, taking my eyes off of the ring for the first time. He was changing into pajamas. He was just going to give me his grandmother's ring like that? Not keep it for himself. "Sirius, are you sure you want to give this to me?"
He answered without thinking about it. "Yeah mate. I don't want it. I didn't even know she died until I got that in the mail this morning. What am I going to do with some silly old ring?"
"You want me to trade it in for some gold or something?" I ask, curious as to what he expects me to do with this ring.
"If you want to. As a werewolf you know you're not going to be able to get the best jobs in the world. So I wouldn't care if you did that. It's a balck family heirloom. I'm sure it's worth a nice sack of gold. Or, you know, you could save it and give it to Ellie in the future."
I felt like someone had just hit me with a stunning jinx. I felt so shocked by this. I must have looked dumbfounded because he looked at me and said, "I've always known how into her you were, but seeing you guys today, the way you look at her is unreal. I think she truly is the one for you. So, keep the ring and give it to her after we've finished school and start a life with her. Be happy for once in your miserable life."
I smile at him, "Thanks mate. You didn't have to do that."
"I know," he says, smirking smugly at me, "I wanted to."
Did I want to marry Ellie? If you were to ask me that I'd without a doubt in my mind say yes. She was absolutely amazing, and I was head over heels for her. I'd marry her tomorrow if she is willing to. One thing I would have to figure out about her is if she wants to be a parent or not. Some women dream of becoming a mother, some don't. I don't know if Ellie is one of those women. We've never talked about it. I don't want children. It's too dangerous for me. I would not be responsible for bringing another monster into the world.
I went to sleep that night imagining our wedding and what it would be like. It was a beautiful ceremony in my mind. I hoped one day that I would actually marry Ellie and the ceremony in my mind would be a reality.
As much as I liked to think about marrying Ellie, there was still a chance that it wasn't going to happen. She doesn't have a real future with me. As a werewolf I'm not going to live until I'm elderly. I'll be very lucky if I make it to my 70's. I probably won't though. She might love me now while we're in school but once she realizes there is no true future with me she'll leave and go be with someone who can actually give her a future.
I tried not to think about that. I needed to focus on the now. The time that I had with her now. So that's what I did. I didn't tell her about the ring, and Sirius didn't say anything. So she had no idea about it. I knew the end of October was the anniversary of her father's death. So on that day I made sure I was up early to catch her in the Common Room alone.
I was hoping to beat her down here, but I found her sitting on the couch by the fireplace alone, looking lost in thought. She heard me coming and looked my way then she looked back at the fire. I sat next to her on the couch. Before I could even get a greeting hello out, she said, "The Full Moon is tonight. You should be getting as much sleep as you can."
"You're more important than sleep, dear," I tell her, wrapping one of my arms around her waist and I kiss the top of her head.
"How did you even know that I was down here?" She asked, her tone curious.
"You were last year," I explain, shrugging. "Remember? The guys brought me in here all covered in scratches and blood. It was when I told you about my condition and you decided to become an Animagus for me."
"Right," she says, nodding, "Hard to think that was already a year ago."
"A lot has happened between us in that year," I say, nodding now too.
"It sure has," She said before she  lays her head onto my shoulder, I kiss the top of her head. My hand runs up and down her arm.
"Tell me about him," I say, keeping my voice light and calm.
"Well, he was very funny. I remember he always had my brother and I laughing. He was the best. Remus, I'm telling you he was absolutely amazing. You would have loved him."
"Well, your mum was pretty cool, so I can't imagine her being with someone boring."
"Exactly," she says, a small smile on her face. "Mum says I'm kind of like him."
"That makes sense. He was a Gryffindor, right?" I ask, even though I knew the answer already.
"Yeah, he was. Ya know, the more I think about it, the more he and my mum remind me of James and Lily."
Now I was confused. "Did your mum absolutely hate your dad for the first 5 years of school?"
The most fond smile crosses her face, "She did. Absolutely hated him. He was annoying, always trying to ask her out on dates even though she said no every time. He was a Seeker on the Quidditch Team, and he was always showing off even off the Pitch."
I nod, smiling too, "That does sound just like Prongs."
"Yeah, they were pretty similar. But I can't see James going off to explore magical forests by himself and end up attacked by a werewolf."
"Yeah, I can't see him doing that," I agreed. "Well, your dad sounds like he was a great man. I only wish I could have met him. He was taken too soon."
"Yeah," she agrees, lifting a hand up to wipe tears out of one of her eyes. "He was pretty great."

Here's Part 15!

Remus is too cute. I love him so much.

Also, as a writer I probably shouldn't be saying this but there was some foreshadowing in this chapter.

Just so you know.

-Emily Winchester.

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