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So here I am, twenty-one years old, widowed, with a set of year and a half old twins, living with my mother. And if that wasn't enough, my friends that are still living are so busy, it's getting so bad. Sirius attempts to come over every now and then, but I know that when he sees my twins he's just reminded of his dead girlfriend.
Bradley looks more and more like his father everyday, he had his eyes and his smile. I was reminded of Matt every time I looked at my son. And Lyanna looked like her Aunt Marlene. She and Matt had the same eyes, and both of our twins have those eyes too. The family resemblance is strong, and at first I loved it, but now it's a reminder of everything that I've lost.
It was so hard, but looking at their little faces I knew I had to keep going. If not for me I had to do it for them. Being a mother changes you, and I would do anything for them. I would kill for them, honestly. I wouldn't even think twice about that.
As the last living Mckinnons, my children will get all of the family fortune, and all of Matt's personal gold was left to me, which I was grateful for. I did quit my healer training to be a mum so this will allow me to do that for a little bit longer. Eventually I will have to get a job, but for now I didn't. I could stay home and be with my babies all day.
In August, the Potters had to move. They moved suddenly, and quickly. Apparently Lord Voldemort thinks that their son Harry will be his downfall because of a prophecy he was told. Severus Snape has also joined The Order as a double agent. Dumbledore assured us he was on our side and we should not worry. Dumbledore told us that he was the one who told him about the Prophecy and that he asked him to hide the Potters. He's become a double agent of sorts.
On September 1st, I watched Molly's little ones while she took the older three to London to send Bill off to Hogwarts for his first year of school. When I arrived with my twins, Fred and George got so excited. They ran to me as fast as their three-year-old legs could take them. I hadn't seen them since Matt's funeral. I knelt down and hugged them both so tight.
"Hi boys," I greeted them as we hugged tightly. "It's so good to see you."
If they were my kids I wouldn't pick favorites, but Fred and George were my favorite Weasley kids. They were both so sweet and funny. They took to me as soon as they met me. I bonded with them more than I have with the others. They all preferred my husband.
"Ellie is going to stay here with you boys while I take Percy and Charlie with me to send Bill off to school. You be good for her, okay?"
"Okay Mummy," said George with a smile on his face.
"I love you boys," she said and then she kissed both of their heads and then thanked me for coming to watch them and headed off to take Bill to school.
They were gone for what felt like hours. Dealing with five kids under the age of four was a headache. Ron threw his toy at Bradley's head in a fit of anger, and then Lyanna threw it back at Ron for hurting her brother. Then Ron didn't want to go down for his nap. He screamed and cried and put up a big fuss. I had just gotten him and my twins down for a nap and I was making lunch for Fred and George when Molly got back with Percy and Charlie. She looked so upset to send Bill off. I knew she was just missing him already.
"It will be Christmas before you know it," I told her and I hugged her, "He will be back here soon."
"By the time Ron goes I will be a pro at sending them off," she joked as she wiped tears out of her eyes.
"Yeah, and you'll be consoling me because I'll be sending my babies off that year for the first time."
"Oh they're going to have so much fun."
"They will," I agreed nodding.
I went home soon after that, we let the babies sleep and then I collected mine and went home. Then the days began to melt together again. September flew by and before I knew it, Halloween was approaching. Sirius wanted to have a little get together for his 22nd birthday in early November. That would be very fun. I could use a night with my friends.
It didn't happen though, because on November 1st, I had just put the twins down for an afternoon nap, and I learned some terrible news. At first it was happy, because Voldemort was defeated last night. I don't know just how yet, but I planned on finding out as soon as I could.
It seemed like a great day, we didn't have to worry anymore. Everything could go back to normal. When I came out of the twins room, I saw someone I wasn't expecting to see. Remus was in our hallway standing with my mum.
"Eloise, dear, I was just about to call for you," my mum said.
"Hi Remus, to what do we owe this visit?"
"I come bearing bad news," he says.
"Usually Sirius delivers me the bad news," I said, my tone slightly light.
"We should sit down," he says, "I have a lot to tell you."
"Okay," I said and we headed into the drawing room so we could talk.
Remus sighed, "So there's no easy way to say any of this, so I just have to say it. Last night Voldemort killed James and Lily."
I suppressed a gasp.
"And Harry?" I asked, "Please tell me he didn't kill that baby."
"No, Harry is the reason Voldemort was defeated. The Killing curse didn't affect him at all. It bounced off of him and hit Voldemort."
"So is Sirius taking Harry in then?" I asked.
"No, he was taken to live with his Aunt and Uncle. Lily's sister."
Rage was boiling inside of me. "Petunia!" I shrieked. "She's terrible. And she married that vermin."
"Vernon," Remus corrected.
"I know what I said."
"Ellie, he's with family, he's safe with them. It's what Dumbledore wanted."
"It's not what James and Lilt wanted!" I exclaimed, "They named Sirius his Godfather. Her horrible sister has no right."
"There's still more I need to tell you, Ellie," said Remus. His tone was so soft. It instantly calmed me down. "Sirius is going to Azkaban."
"What?" I gasped. My mothers face turned white.
"He was the spy," Remus said, his tone was calm, like he was numb.
"No," I say, shaking my head. "There's no way. Why would he do that?"
He shrugged, "To please his parents. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. They probably planned it as soon as he got sorted into Gryffindor. They probably had this set up for years."
He had a point. It was all an act. Them torturing him probably never happened. He was absolutely sick. My heart started pounding in my chest. "Well, he was a good actor." I said, trying my hardest to keep my voice steady.
I hated this feeling. It was terrible.
"He's going to Azkaban not because he was the spy, but because he killed Peter."
My mum gasped again, I just sat there, feeling numb. "He killed Peter."
"He did," Remus nodded, "Peter confronted him, and Sirius killed him. Twelve Muggles went with Peter too. He did it in broad daylight."
"Oh Merlin," I said and I covered my mouth.
"I know you never really cared for Peter," said Remus.
"I never wanted him dead," I  said quickly.
"I know," he assured me.
"Well," I say and I stand up because I heard one of my babies crying, "Is that everything?"
"Yes," said Remus, and he nodded.
"Thank you," I said and I walked off to tend to my baby. As soon as I was in the hallway I started crying. I felt so stupid. Of course it was Sirius, he was the only one with any kind of motive. I couldn't believe I was ever friends with him.
About a month later Molly told me that she was pregnant again with her seventh child. She was really hoping for a girl this time. I didn't see Remus again after that until February of 1982, when he told me that Alice and Frank Longbottom were attacked and tortured by a group of Death Eaters that were looking for information about Voldemort's whereabouts. They were not killed, but they were tortured into insanity. Neville would be raised by his grandmother and Frank and Alice would have to live out their days at St. Mungos.
Then another month later, my twins turned two years old, and it was so crazy to think that my babies were toddlers now. They were saying small words and waddling around the house like little pros. I loved to see it.
Then tragedy struck again.
They still hadn't found out who had tortured Frank and Alice and they struck again, but this time they had gotten people who weren't even in The Order. They had gotten my brother and Mary. Unlike Frank and Alice, they made sure to kill them this time.
It was worse than Matt dying. It was worse than any other death that had happened this entire time. The only other death that would be worse would be if one of my twins had been taken. They weren't even in The Order. Their funeral was the worst day of my life, and it hurt so much to watch my babies say goodbye to their Uncle Archie. It broke my heart.
Molly was there for me, and she was a great rock that entire day, having lost her brothers as well she understood exactly what I was going through. I was so glad that she was here. She has been such a great friend. If anything I was glad that I had met her during this crazy time.

Here's part 30!

I know I ended it sad again but the next chapter it won't I promise.

-Emily Winchester.

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