Your Choice ღ | ☁️ (Hunter!reader)

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Apr 21st, 2021

I made another one for the angst train. This is a female! reader, because uuh the hunters are involved. HOWEVER, no pronouns are used so you could read it as a gn!reader joining the hunt!! Hope you enjoy!

Pairing: Percy Jackson x reader x Jason Grace (NOT poly)

Requests:Could you please write a Jason x reader where the reader will sneak to Jason's cabin and stay with him whenever they are lonely or had a nightmare or need some fun times ;) /// HELLO! Percy one shot?like they're dating (couple goals) but before that she was something to jason (gf or almost gf, they had feeling for each other) and somehow she lost her memories and was in a coma for several months and when she wakes up she thinks she and jason are a thing.. which leaves percy+piper broken hearted. the ending is up to you! Thankkkkssss ///could you make a hunter/daughter of artemis!reader x percy? ....Maybe in the end she falls on love with him? the story is up to u tho😊
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: Angst, mostly. Not proofread!-Asja

Feelings were never easy. At one point, you had liked feelings, you had enjoyed love and you have loved. At one point, you were in love with a blonde superman, who only ever had eyes for someone else. At another point, you caught feelings for a loyal son of Poseidon. His eyes made your heart stammer, and you hated it. You loved the way he smiled, the way he was there when you needed it.

The way he made you realize things you never had thought about before. Feelings were unfair, for you had loved Percy for months, but you yearned for something else. Were you in love with the boy, or were you in love with love?

It did not stop you from exploring the world with Percy by your side, saving the world with Percy by your side and having the world, with Percy by your side. Was this really how you wanted to go on, with Percy by your side?

As you were doubting yourself, sitting next to Percy, the boy looked at your somber face. Percy was not stupid and had noticed your change in demeanor for a while now. He tried to ask you, get through to you, but you dodge him every time. He was scared to find out what made you act like this, but he wanted the best for you. If that meant putting aside his own feelings, he would.

'Hey, (Y/n), are you alright?' he carefully asked, as he put his hand on top of yours. The softness in his voice made you want to retract your thoughts, but you had to go on. You could not do this.

'I am fine, Perce,' you hesitated and as your eyes found his you felt guilt building, 'It's- It's that I have thought a lot in the past few weeks and-'

'Uh- I'll tell you later, Perce, I think we're needed,' you quickly said as you saw Percy get up and you both started running to the commotion.

Suddenly a blast sounded from the other side of camp, and a horn quickly followed. An attack? What-?

You stood up quickly, feeling relieved that you did not have to talk anymore, feeling guilty for the relief. Your fellow demigods were in danger, for Hades' sake.

'I'll hold you to that, love you!' He said as he took a running lead. This man has always been faster than you, with honesty, feelings, and physically.

As you arrived at the scene, it was chaos. Campers were running everywhere, and you could not even see what was attacking you. Oh, well, you could not see because it attacked you from behind. You heard someone scream your name as your world turned black already, and you softly cursed yourself for not paying attention.

Jason felt horrible. He saw it happen, he saw the beast behind you, he screamed, but it was too late. He cursed himself for letting it happen on his watch, and he was not the only one that blamed Jason for this.

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