~ Part 3~

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I only woke up when the sun shined in my eyes he still was asleep I couldn't move I couldn't do anything the pain was too much so I just laid there staring at the ceiling with no emotions

"Goodmorning," he said in a tired voice

I felt him get up but I couldn't stop him. I wanted to and I don't know why he walked out of the room a few minutes later I could smell food I didn't want to eat. I just wanted to see him cooking but I had no strength to.

He came back with a plate of food "are you hungry" he said smiling "no" I said the smile slipped from his face "come on Lilah you need to eat please when was the last time you ate" "2 days ago"

"Then please eat something I'll get you anything you want just tell me" he pleaded "I'm sorry," I said

He looked defeated he knew I wasn't going to eat he sat on the bed next to me grabbing the remote from his nightstand and turning it on putting it to Netflix this dude really put on 365 days like are you serious I liked the movie but I was not in the mood right now nor in the right state of mind he knew I would be bored

And not watch it he knew I was gonna distract myself and knew I was not gonna get out of this bed there was really only one thing I could do and that was to eat the food he brought me I slowly reached for it I could see the little smirk on his face as soon as I finished the plate he turned the movie off

And put on something else I didn't pay attention I grabbed my phone and called my sister Dominic was too much into the movie to pay attention

"Are you alright?" I asked "yeah I just don't know what to do" her voice cracked

"I know" I understood I was the closest with my aunt " where are you," she asked

"Dealing with this I just can't go home right now but I will soon I promise I love you," I said

"I love you too bye I'll see you soon," she said

With that, I hung up and called one of my best friends

"Hey Stefan," I said "hey love are you alright where are you," he asked concerned

"Yeah I'm going through stuff I'm gonna miss school for a few days," I said

I think Dominic heard a guy on the phone because he looked at me with a hint of jealousy

"Do you wanna hang out and talk about it love?" he asked

"I can't," I said

"Please," he said

He kept repeating it until I got annoyed

I sighed "I gue-"

Dominic grabbed the phone from my hand

"She doesn't wanna hangout she already told you and stop calling her love" he growled

With that, he hung up the phone and placed it on the nightstand

"Thanks," I said " yeah I know you didn't want to go hang out with him," he said sounding relieved

"But I can help you if you let me," he said "why are you being so nice now," I said

"Come on let's get you a bath," he said "why did you avoid the question," I said

"Please Lilah don't" he pleaded

He picked me up caring me to the bathroom and set me on the counter" "do you mind if I help you or I could just look away"

He didn't deserve to see me fully naked after everything he put me through he was supposed to be my best friend maybe this is a way of him trying to get me to forgive him for everything he's done but I don't know if I could forgive him for everything maybe he's just playing with me but he's really the only one here right now

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