bonus chapter

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The day was finally here we were done with high school in less than 4 hours we would be graduating and walking across that stage then we can start the next chapter of our lives together

It would always be against the world forever and always

I was so happy one more thing off my plate and it would be a little easier

I wore a pretty simple outfit with simple makeup I was never one to really wear a ton of makeup Dominic just wore a black suit how basic he always is wearing that except when we were together but then again that was pretty much all the time while ...

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I wore a pretty simple outfit with simple makeup I was never one to really wear a ton of makeup Dominic just wore a black suit how basic he always is wearing that except when we were together but then again that was pretty much all the time while I was working he would follow me around like a lost puppy not that I was complaining I loved him very much

soon the time came I was waiting for my name to be called luckily I didn't have to wait that long seeing as I had officially changed my last name to amor which was my actual birth last name

"Dalilah amor" they called I stood walked up collected my diploma and shook hands with some of the teachers and crossed the stage hearing extra-loud whistling and yelling I looked over to see luke and some of the other guys I got really close with and my baby girl she could talk a little not that well but she was perfect " go mommy" I heard she was loud when she wanted and when it came to me a Dominic she was proud of us I feel like it should be the other way around she was still my baby girl though even when she acted grown-up which she was not

and I looked at Dominic who was smiling so much soon it was his turn and you know I love him so much so I was extra loud and I knew I would pay for it later if you know what I mean

after everyone went we went home and luke had an after-party there I was having so much fun with Dominic and my friend his hands were around my hips and his face in the crook of my neck while I was having a conversation with our friends he was pretty quiet but he was alright I know it I just have feelings I knew something was off but not in a bad way so I just left it

~the trip and the proposal ~

"come on let's go I have a surprise for you" he whispered in my ear

"say bye to cami and luke well be gone a week," he told my pulling me out of the conversation and to luke and cami she was chatting with vera talking all about mommy and daddy does she not have anything better than to gossip about us but whatever

I gave her a tight hug " mommy cant breath"

I chuckled and let her go

"I love you baby"

"I love you to mommy"

she was adorable Dominic said goodbye to her also

then pulled me to the car and we got in driving off I had seen the luggage in the car so I guess he packed he would usually help me pick out my outfits he was surprisingly good with fashion I even trusted him to dress cami I know most wouldn't but I did

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