Chapter 8

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                                                                !! TW BLOOD AND GORE !!

(I suggest listening to music again during this part, I'm listening to Nowhere To Run by Stegosoraus Rex slowed down version, a good song suggestion is I can't handle change by R.O.A.R, but you can listen to whatever you want, have fun reading!) 

"911, what's your emergency." the operator's voice was calm, and was waiting for the caller to start talking.

"HELP, WE NEED HELP. IM RIGHT OFF OF OLD SMITH ROAD BY THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!" Dream's voice was loud and shaky, he was scared out of his mind. this night was going so great and just like that everything went black, everything seemed to be his fault.

"Okay sir, I'm going to need you to calm down, now I'm tracking where you are, can you please tell me your name and what happened." the operator still being very calmed, talked in a low reassuring confident voice.

"my name is Dr-" the blonde stopped choking back his words remembering he had to use his real name. he took a second to breathe and recollected his thoughts. one hand holding the phone the other hand holding George's barely conscious head up in his lap, the boy continued talking, 

"my name is Clay, and I was driving home with my friend but the rain, the rain was coming down so hard and the roads were so bad." he paused for a second holding back the tears that were slipping down his dripping wet face. 

"We were driving one minute, and the next the car started sliding and we crashed into a telephone pole, and it fell on the car. I was the first to wake up, I don't know how long we were out for but when I woke up, I looked over and my friend was passed out, his head hanging down with a whole bunch of blood dripping everywhere, so I quickly unbuckled myself and pulled him out of the car and when I did he slightly woke up but he could only get one word out before he started to do what looked like seizing. I don't know what to do and I'm really fucking scared I don't want him to die." 

Dream's breathing was uneasy and his lungs hurt, he must have punctured them or something because every time he took a deep breath in he felt a sharp pain in his upper right side. he couldn't tell if it was rain pouring down on his face or if he actually started to cry. the blonde tried to stay as calm as he could but his hands started uncontrollably shaking, trying to keep the phone in his hand he gripped it harder clutching it, almost hitting the off button. 

"okay help is on the way do not worry." and before he could let out another word there was a long beep on the other end of the phone. the lady had hung up and now all dream could do was sit here and wait for help to come. the blonde shot a look down to the boy in his lap and all he felt was regret and guilt. how, how could he let this happen to George, how could he be so helpless right now. there was nothing he could do besides sit here and wait. more tears started to fill up his bloodshot eyes, and he started to ball. setting his phone down next to his side, he slipped both of his hands underneath the boy's blood-covered head and started talking,

"hey, hey George everything is going to be okay, okay? you just need to stay with me can you do that? can you do that for me? I can't fucking lose you okay, I can not fucking lose you. I love you more than anyone else in this world and I can not lose the one person I care about the most forever, so please.." he dropped his head down to George's forehead and began hiccuping trying to fill his lungs with as much air as he could in between words,

"Please, don't fucking leave me George don't fucking leave me." the younger boy started to cry even harder letting every feeling in his body out, crying out to the world that he dreaded, that he hated with all of his heart right now. dream sprung up when the half-dead phone beside him started to ring, the sound flowing in his ears, alarming him. he carefully slipped one of his now blood-covered hands out from underneath George's head and started to panic as soon as he saw the name on the small screen that lit up in the dark. Nick was calling him, Nick was calling Dream, and he didn't know what to say. slowly bringing the phone to his face after answering the call his whole body started to shake and he felt like he was going to throw up.

"Dude where are you? I've been calling you for like the past hour and you've been gone for a long time, are you okay?" Nick had said on the other side of the line, his voice sounded a bit mad but mostly concerned for the two boys.

"Nick, Nick I fucked up, I fucked up so badly." Dream began to cry even harder barely even being able to breathe, his head was pounding and all he felt like doing was falling asleep, but he didn't know what kind of injuries he had going on right now but he figured he was running. off of his adrenaline and he didn't wanna fall asleep because he was deathly afraid he wouldn't wake up. 

"Woah Woah Woah, calm down what happened? are you outside right now it sounds like you're in the rain?" Nick dropped the anger in his voice and was now only worried out of his mind.

"George and I were driving home, and the rain was so bad, it was so bad. one minute we were driving and the next the car started sliding and we crashed into a telephone pole, I don't know how long we were out for, but when I woke up George was still unconscious and there's.." he stuttered in his words thinking back about what had happened to George in the past 15 minutes. the blonde's heart was racing and he felt like all of his organs inside of him were twisting, but ignoring the pain he continued to talk stumbling on his words.

"there's blood everywhere, I don't know if it's all from George or if it's from me and George but this is not good Nick, it's not good. George is still unconscious and there's a bunch of blood coming from his head, I called 911, and they're on their way but I have no idea what to do I don't want George to die, I can't have him fucking die in my arms knowing I couldn't do anything to helo him." 

                                                                         Nick and Alex's POV

pacing back in forth in the living room listen to his friend sob and tell him that was happening over the phone Nick's heart began to pound, his stomach started to turn and he felt like he was going to be sick.

"ALEX! ALEX! GET DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW! IT'S BAD, ITS DREAM AND GEORGE! IT'S REALLY BAD!" Nick screamed while dropping to the floor one hand covering his forehead and the other holding the phone to his ear. his breathing began to pick up and he felt his mind begin to race. Alex came running down the stairs nearly tripping seeing his friend look so broken on the floor. he listened in on the conversation and was careful to not interrupt his friend. 

"listen Dream, is he breathing? can you hear George breathing?" Alex's heart dropped when he heard the shaky words spill out of his friend's quivering mouth. his eyes grew wide, and he felt hot tears spill out dragging down his pale as a ghost face. his legs began to feel like jello and everything that seemed important to him at the moment shrank and all he could think about were the words that just came out of Nick's mouth, replaying over and over in his racing mind. 

"Okay, that's better than nothing, you need to stay calm, okay, everything is going to be okay you just have to stay calm." the two boys heard the sirens approach dream and George on the other line of the phone, and a small sighting of hope both flickered inside of them. everything was going to be okay, everything had to be okay. 

"Okay, okay, ill meet you at the hospital." as soon as dream hung up nicks arm dropped to the floor and he instantly started crying, feeling the hot tears slip down his face, burning his skin. he huffed and tried to breathe as much as he could, he couldn't think and his vision became foggy as more tears filled up his puffy red eyes. he felt two arms wrap around his broken-down body and looked up to see Alex hugging him. he nuzzled his head into Alex's boney collar bones, crying harder than ever. 

AHHH CLIFFHANGER, I hope you liked this chapter, I promise ill write the second one tomorrow, thank you for being patient everyone, as always have a great night, get something to eat, take a shower if you want, and remember I'm so proud of you and I always will be I love you! <3

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