chapter 9

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Hey guys thank you for reading! sorry for the small bit of gore in the last chapter, I hope you enjoyed it though!  as always get comfy and have fun reading!

Dream woke up to the sound of his screeching alarm blaring through the semi-empty house. the boy was breathing heavily and had sweat through his t-shirt and shorts, thank god it was just a dream, thank god George was okay. quickly drifting his mind away from it, he quickly shut the alarm off and turned his attention to the boy laying sound asleep next to him. he looked so peaceful when he slept, so calm, so cute. he slightly pulled the thin sheet off of himself and sat on the edge of the queen-sized bed facing away from George. the blonde dropped his head to his sweaty hands and began to softly cry, trying to make sure his friend couldn't hear him. Dream thought about the nightmare, he thought about how George had laid there in his arms bleeding out and this just made him cry even more. tears running down his face while he held his breath in and tried so had to not make a single noise but failing doing so. 

the blonde felt two skinny arms wrap around his boney shoulders and heard George whisper something in his ear trying to comfort his friend as much as possible. one of the brunette's thumbs swirling in circles on Dream's chest and the other one gripping his own wrist making sure his arms wouldn't slip off. George pulled one of his arms down and snaked it up to his friend's cheek, slightly turning the blonde's head towards his own. he rested his forehead on Dream's and sat there for a good minute comforting the boy as much as he could. 

"are you okay?" the three words that quietly slipped out of his mouth sounded like heaven to Dream, these three words could instantly make him feel better about anything as long as they came from George. he shot a look up to the brunette and slowly shook his head yes, then leaning in towards the older boy he stared at him and then planted soft kisses on the brunette's warm lips. 

"ill take that as a yes. come on let's go get food." George had stood up from the position he was in and then reached his hand out to the younger boy. he grabbed his hand and they both quietly walked down the creaky wooden stairs. when they walked into the kitchen to their surprise Alex and Nick were both already up, digging through the cupboards. Alex with a box of cereal in one hand and then a jug of milk in the other looked up at the two boys, hand in hand staring at them while they searched for food.

"Uhm.." he choked on his food and continued talking.

"we uhh..were kinda out of food..haha." Alex smiled and set the food in his hands down on the counter and put one free hand behind his head, hitting Nick with his pointy elbow in the process. 

"ow dude, what the fuck, that hurt." Nick stood up and became aware of the two other friends that were still hand in hand at the counter. 

"oh hey, guys..." he had a look of guilt on his face, waiting for the lecture that Dream was about to give him for eating all of the food that they had bought just the day before. he couldn't help it though, I mean you stream for 4 hours a day and then edit for another 3 hours you get hungry. 

"looks like we need to go shopping huh." Dream paused and rested his hand on his chin deeply thinking for about a good thirty seconds until he started to speak again, 

"okay well George and I will head to Walmart and get food, house supplies, bathroom stuff, you know just basic necessity we need to live properly in the house, and you and Alex will stay here organize the house a bit, make the living room look more like a living room and just you know make everything a bit more neater you know?" dream shot a wholehearted look at Nick and just smiled. he let out a small giggle and spoke one more time before heading up the stairs. 

"Jezus relax Nick you look like you've seen a ghost, I'm not mad or anything haha." George looked at the other two and just smiled and then followed the younger boy up the stairs like a child. as soon as both of them made it to the top, they went their separate ways to their rooms to shower and get ready to go. as soon as Dream walked back into his room all he could smell was George's lavender-scented shampoo all over his bed. butterflies arose in his stomach as his face flushed over with a dark shade of pink. the blonde smiled and let out a quiet chuckle and then grabbed his towel and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. 

he walked towards the shower peeling all of the clothes off his sweaty body and throwing them in a pile on the floor. the blonde stepped in the shower and turned the shower on slightly so the water would run cold. Dream slid down the bathroom wall sitting down on the ground letting the crisp cold water hit his frail skin. he brought his knees into his chest and lowered his head giving himself a couple of minutes to let out his emotions about the dream. even though the dream wasn't real he still never felt this helpless in his life. 



George had quietly sneaked into the younger boy's room and slid over to the closet. he dragged his fingers along the soft cotton clothes and was in search of one Dream's hoodie's. he grabbed a large oversized black hoodie that had Dream's famous smile face on it and slipped it over his cotton spotted sweater. he closed the closet doors and before he turned around he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"funny seeing you here again." Dream's voice was low and seductive just like the last time they were both in this position except this time, they were both serious. George stayed where he was, holding his breath trying not to make a noise as butterflies swarmed his stomach flying up to his throat and out to his mouth. he exhaled loudly and felt a finger drag up his spin. he shivered. Dream leaned in a bit more and just let George feel his hot intense breath glide across the boy's pale, soft skin. George choked on his breath and then turned around being a little too cocky.

"someones feeling brave." Dream walked closer to George pushing him closer to the wall as he stared him down, running his hands up the brunette's arms. 

"what do you say, wanna go shopping" Dream lifted an eyebrow up and now dropped the flirtatiousness in his voice after noticing George was getting embarrassed. he grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room, but not too aggressively. he shot a look back at the boy and smiled. 

"come on let's go!" 

thank you for reading! this chapter was a bit easier on you guys considering the last chapter was a bit of a scare lol. anyways I hope you all have a great night, get good sleep, get something to eat, take a shower if you want, and remember I'm so proud of you and I love you all! <3

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