Chapter 10

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Hi everyone! I have study hall tomorrow and my classes have now been bumped up to 83 minutes, 4 classes a day so tomorrow in study hall I'm gonna spend that time writing chapter 11, and if I don't finish it there I promise ill finish it as soon as I get home. I would also just like to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my story I mean 216 reads! I didn't expect that much, thank you so much, and I hope you all like the story so far. also, just a heads up the next chapter has a slight TW so ill write a little note right before and after the TW starts and ends if you need to skip through it that's perfectly fine I understand! as always get comfortable, grab a snack, and start reading!

As soon as George got into the car, he swiped away the ox cord before Dream could even think about grabbing it. the blonde hopped in and rummaged around looking for the missing cord, tearing apart the car. he looked up for a split second and noticed the older boy had it. he gave him a look that just made George giggle. 

"Okay come on, hand it over!" Dream reached out his hand with a small smile crouching upon his face as he let out a soft giggle. 

"no way, we always listen to your music, it's my turn now!" the brunette swatted at the blonde's hand and pulled his other arm further away from the boy so he could avoid him trying to grab it from him. Dream finally giving up let out a sigh and started the car. before backing out he shot one last glance at George. 

"you better not play it." a smirk had crept up on the corner of his mouth but inside embarrassment swarmed him, eating him up inside and out. George grabbed the cord and slightly stuck it into his phone and began to scroll looking for a song. he looked up with an overly cocky look at Dream, and both of them knew in that moment what was about to happen. 

"George I swear to god if yo-" Dream was cut off by the older boy screaming lyrics at the top of his lungs, giving the song all he got. 

"PEOPLE CHANGE LIKE THE TIDES IN THE OCEAN, AT LEAST I THINK OR AM I DEAD WRONG? FOOT ON THE BREAK, AT THE LIGHT I DONT NOTICE, I SIT AND WAIT FOR THE NEXT SONG!" George's voice must have cracked 8 million times but he didn't care, he still gave the song everything he got as all the air in his lungs seeped out of him. the blonde had dropped his head down to the steering wheel and let out a groan. he took the car out of park and began to drive. he thought this was bad, but the chorus was just about to come up, and he knew that this would be a show to watch. butterflies swarmed his stomach as he looked over at the boy singing the best he could. singing his song. he smiled and closed his eyes for a split second, he prepared himself. 

"NOW THAT INTERSTATE IS PAVED WITH MEMORIES, OF A PAST LIFE I LIVED WHEN I WAS 18!! AND EVERY WINTER I THINK BACK TO WHAT WE USED TO BE, IN THAT PAST LIFE WE LIVED AT 18 OHHH OHH OHH OH OH OH!" Georges's voice gave out as he looked out the window and noticed everyone in the other cars on the busy road were all giving him a glance that was saying "what the fuck is wrong with him". Dream broke out into a wheeze and snorted, trying to breathe in as much as he could. he couldn't help but laugh, as much as embarrassed he was right now he was also happier than he could ever be. so what if George had just made a fool of him, did he care. no. the blonde was just happy to be with his friend, happier than ever. 

"Jesus Christ, George slow down ur gonna blow your vocal cords." dream broke into an even harder laugh, slapping one of his hands against his leg and dying for a breath of air. he couldn't help but notice that after the both of them had calmed down a little bit he started to hum along. he sang very quietly under his breath, purposely making sure the brunette couldn't hear him. 

"20 hours in an old van, off the east coast what a road trip.." as the beat dropped both of the boys looked at each other for a split second and then started to sing again, as loud as they could.


both of the boys had broken out into a historical laugh, and neither of them had stopped the noise any time soon. dream, doing his famous tea kettle wheeze, and George letting out his most annoying loud cackle, the boys took their time, and let each other laugh as much as they wanted to. but as the noise dyed down, and both of them became quiet again, the awkward silence had crept upon them and was there for a good couple of minutes till they pulled into the parking lot of the huge Walmart. 

"holy shit, I've never seen a store other than a mall this big!" George had looked at all the nig signs that purposely stuck out like a sore thumb. he turned his attention away from the signs and looked towards the main entrance, seeing all the people flow in and out like a stampede. as happy as he was to be with Dream he could feel the pit in his stomach grow, and a frightening shiver snake up his spine. the brunette thought back to the time he last was in a very crowded place, and the amazement smile on his face had drooped down to an almost normal expression.  

"Hey what's wrong?" Dream had seen the boy's expression change and he almost felt a tiny bit guilty, guilty for bringing him here, and guilty for not understanding what was going on his the brunette's mind. George had snapped back into reality and quickly turned his head over to the blonde. 

"Sorry what? I guess I just spaced out a bit, haha" George buried his feelings deep inside of his stomach, pushing the thoughts to the back of his swirling brain. he could tell Dream seemed a bit worried and that was the last thing he wanted to see right now. he didn't want to ruin his fun with the blonde, so he did what he knew how to d best. he ignored his emotions and stopped thinking about himself. 

the blonde could tell something was wrong but he didn't want to pressure George or make him feel uncomfortable in any way so he just gave a small nod and a big smile. he then opened the car door and slammed it shut just as George opened his. the boys walked close to each other slowly interlocking their hands, swinging them back and forth like they were children. the brit loved it when Dream twirled his thumb in circles on spots of the boy's limbs, whether it eas his leg when they would lay on the couch, his neck form cuddling close in bed, or just doing what they were doing now. holding hands. when they walked into the store they already could tell some people had their eyes on them, judging them from afar, but neither of them carried enough to say anything. 

the brit had lead Dream down an aisle tugging on his arm picking up the paste as the crept closer to what George was trying to show the younger boy. he stopped in his tracks, glaring down at the item that was just below his hands like he was some kid in a candy store. he shot a childish look up to the blonde and smiled,

"We have to get it!"   

Thank you for reading, I know it was kind of short I'm really sorry about it but thank you for reading in the first place. I defiantly would have not continued writing this if it isn't for you guys, remember I love you all so much snd I'm so proud of you, get something to eat, and take a shower if you want, I love you all!! <3

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