𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙚. [Modern! Levi X Sick! Reader]

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A/N: Yeah I have an obsession with Modern Levi what're you gonna do about it huh huh huh?1??11??1??!!11!!11!???11???11?1??!1!!! So yuh I was sick this week so n a t u r a l l y I wrote fanfic about it JFOIDSJFSDFJ anyways sorry if this upload is a little late :.D

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF LIKE OMG, brief reference to drinking


"I'm not si-" I sneezed, groaning immediately afterwards and wiping my nose with a tissue. Levi stood at the other end of the room, buttoning up his shirt.

"Absolute bullshit," he monotoned from the vanity, then crossed the room to me, who was still lying in bed. He placed the back of his hand to my forehead for a moment, then moved it to my cheek. His hands felt freezing, even though they normally felt warm.

"Do I feel warm...?"

"You feel like you're burning." He walked into the bathroom to retrieve a small thermometer before walking back to me. It turned on with a small beep, and then he held it out. "Open up."

I opened my mouth slightly, and he slid it under my tongue, holding it there. After a few seconds, it gave another beep, and he took it out of my mouth, furrowing his brows at the display. "Hm."

"No, no, no! Please don't say I have a fever!" I half-whined, slumping down against the pillows and pulling the blankets up to my chin. I definitely felt like I had a fever.

"101.4 sounds like a fever to me." He turned the thermometer off and placed it on the nightstand, then grabbed his phone, dialing some number and placing it to his ear, then crossed one arm over his chest, covering his elbow. "Yeah, this is Levi Ackerman. I'll be using a sick day." He paused. "Yeah."

I looked at him, a slight guilt building up for making him miss work.

"Thanks." He hung up, then put his phone down. "First thing's first. You need some medicine to help break your fever."

"I'm really okay, Levi, I'm just warm from being bundled up all night- I mean, I haven't been up for that long and I haven't even left bed-" I coughed, covering my mouth with my elbow.

"Sure." He walked back over to the bed, then gently kissed my forehead, frowning at its warmth. "I'll be right back."

I settled down under the covers, pulling them tight around me, coldness sweeping over me.

He walked back in, holding a small cup of a dark liquid.

"Is that a shot...?" I asked weakly, propping myself up.

"Medicine. To break your fever." He sat on the edge of the bed, holding it out to me.

I scowled at the cup, the thought of the thick, bitter liquid making my stomach turn.

"I'll be ok-"

"(Y/N)." His voiced was pointed. Not mad, not frustrated, but purely concerned. "Your fever is over 100 degrees. You need to take medicine or you could get a hell of a lot worse later on than you are right now."

I looked to the side, frowning. I still didn't fully think I was that bad in the first place, but when I sat up to take the medicine, the drilling pain in my temple assured me that I was definitely sick.

I took the small cup from his hands, peering down at the purple concoction. I could smell it even as it was held away from my face. It brought back memories of being sick when I was younger. Oh well, I thought to myself, at least it's not cherry flavor.

I looked up at Levi, still trying to hold off. "Why the liquid?"

"Because. You sound congested, so your throat's probably all... gross. Having to take a pill probably wouldn't go over well."

I nodded, looking down at the cup again.

He sighed, leaning forward a bit. "For Christ's sake, (Y/N), it's children's cold medicine."

I stared at him blankly for a moment. "What about children's hot medicine-"

"Please just take the damn medicine."

I looked down at it once more. "Can we cuddle after I take it...?"

He looked up at me, then sighed. "Yes, (Y/N), we can cuddle after you take i- Oh."

I smiled, putting down the empty cup on the bedside table. I extended my arms out, wriggling my fingers.

He scoffed slightly, fully climbing into bed and sliding up next to me.

I buried my head into his chest, snaking my arms up his chest and around his neck, running my fingers through the slightly-spikey texture of his undercut.

He gently sighed, wrapping one of his arms around my waist and the other around my shoulder. With that arm, he softly played with my hair, lifting a strand and pulling his fingers through it before letting it drop again to move on to another one.

"Hey, Levi?"

He looked down at me, gently lifting my chin up to face him. "What?"

I smiled, pecking his nose. "I love you!"

He looked at me for a moment, his mouth slightly open before closing it. "Shut up. Your breath smells like medicine."

I laughed under my breath, knowing he was joking. I moved up to bury my face in his neck, planting a few small kisses along his jaw.

He moved his lips down to the shell of my ear, his breath making the hairs on the back of my neck stand. He gave a quick kiss to my temple before adjusting himself back.

I curled up closer to him, still cold. He grabbed another blanket from the end of the bed and wrapped it around us, pulling me closer to him.

"Are you comfortable?" he asked, running his fingers through my hair.

I nodded, yawning. Sleep tugged down at my eyelids, and I nodded, closing my eyes. "Your arms is always the most comfortable place to be, Levi."

He gave a soft "tch." And rested his head on top of mine.

The last words I heard him say before I drifted off to sleep were, "I love you, too, (Y/N)."

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