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Shahana was carrying a pile of books, so she couldn't see her path properly. As a result, she bumped into someone. All the books fell down.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you." Shahana apologized.

"Oh! It's you. You have a habit of bumping into rich people, haven't you?" the person shot back.

"Don't try my patience, Dimpy."

"So much attitude? You are considering yourself as elite because now Prachi is Rhea's sister, but remember Rhea will never accept a middle class girl like you as her sister. Their parents are not your parents. You are just a poor creature who is living her life due to the mercy of others." Dimpy pointed the stark reality.

"How did you know that I won't consider her as my sister? She is and will always remain my sister. She isn't someone who is living on a stranger's mercy. She is our family, not by birth but by heart." Rhea came to defend Prachi.

"Rhea? What happened to you? Did anyone brainwash you?" Dimpy couldn't believe that it was Rhea speaking.

"No, I just cleared my cluttered brain. Mom made me understand that I was committing grave mistakes. I will be better if you change too. You can be friends with Prachi and Shahana."

"Never! I will never accept these people as my friend. You may be an emotional fool, Rhea but I will not give up easily." Dimpy shrieked.

"Then beware of me. I'll be there beside my sisters in times of need." Rhea gave a warning. "Come on Shahana, we don't have time to waste on such people." she held Shahana's hand and walked away.

Dimpy was furious. Now that Rhea was in Shahana's side, she had lost the way by which she could get closer to Aryan. She tried to rake her brain to find an alternative solution. Her phone rang at that moment. She accepted the call.

"It's true that whatever happens, it happens for good." she smirked as she cut the call.


Prachi and Shahana were walking towards the cafeteria.

"Where is Rhea?" Shahana questioned shocking Prachi.

"What's the matter? You are asking about Rhea?"

"Why shouldn't I ask about the whereabouts of my sister?" Shahana replied with a wink.

"That means, you have sorted out your problems! I'm so happy!" Prachi exclaimed.

After witnessing the encounter of Rhea and Dimpy, Shahana had seen that Rhea was genuine and felt that she deserved a second chance.

"I'm here." Rhea shouted declaring her arrival.

"I'm so happy that my sisters are together now." Prachi said happily.

"I guess, you should be worried." Rhea replied mischievously.


"Because, now I and Shahana will join hands and trouble you together." Rhea laughed.

"Hey! Three of you are so heartless. Why did you leave us behind?" Ranbir and Aryan whined.

"Because we didn't have time to waste on your stupid fights." Rhea said poking a tongue at them.

"Haww.....First you take my girlfriend and now you make fun of me. I don't like this sisters' union." Ranbir said with a pout. "I'm taking her with me." he said dragging Prachi with him.

"I have to meet my friends. See you later." Rhea walked away but not before discreetly giving a wink to Aryan.

"Thank you helping dad yesterday." he smiled.

"I didn't do anything he had a head ache." Shahana lied.

"Your lies may work on others, but you can't lie to me."


"It's ok, if you don't want to tell." Aryan assured.

Shahana thought for a while and decided that as Purab's son, Aryan had the right to know about his father.

"I'm sorry to say but I think your parents have a troubled relationship." she sighed and looked at Aryan imagining him to be surprised, but his reaction shocked her.

"I know." he replied calmly.

"What? You knew?"

"I mean it's natural. Mom doesn't care about anyone except for business and money. She doesn't understands that love can't be bought with money. Dad may have been longing for her love like me." he explained sadly.

Shahana's eyes grew wide at the last part of Aryan's talk. She had guessed that Alia was a selfish lady, but she didn't know that Aryan longed for love.

"Nobody loves you?" the words escaped from her lips before she could stop herself.

"I didn't mean that. Dad and others love me a lot. I just wish mom would love me a bit more and spend time with me. She tries to fulfil the void by showering expensive gifts on me, but I don't them. Sometimes her indifference makes me feel that I'm not her son. I used to envy Ranbir and even Rhea. Even when mami was not there, chucks did everything possible to make Rhea forget her absence and my mom....." he stopped realizing that he had disclosed his secret to Shahana.

"I can understand." she said squeezing his hand. "I didn't know you were hiding this pain."

"I'm sorry to burden you with my stupid thoughts and feelings when you yourself are battling your emotions." Aryan apologized.

"Don't say that. Nobody's feelings are stupid. They make us the person we are. Moreover, sharing helps to reduce pain and no one can know it better than me." she said reflecting through her eyes that even Aryan was there to listen to her suffering.

"Please don't tell this to anyone else. Mom would be hurt and I don't want to add to dad's worries." he requested.

"You can trust me." she said in an assuring tone.

"Shahana, may I ask you something?" Aryan asked.

"Of course."

"I'm trying to solve a problem and may need your help. I can't reveal much to you, but can you do I ask you to do?" he asked.

"I would be glad to do anything within my limits to help you." she smiled.

"First of all, I want to meet your other maasi."

"It's difficult. She visits us rarely. But, give me some time, I'll think of something."


Alia picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Is this Dimpy?" she asked the person on the other end.

"Yeah. Who are you?" Dimpy questioned.

"I'm Alia, Rhea's bhooji."

Dimpy was still fuming about Rhea abandoning her, so she shot back, "What do you want?"

"Don't be so angry dear. I know Rhea has misbehaved with you, but I will help you." Alia spoke in her sugar coated voice.

"Why would you help me? You are the relative of Rhea." Dimpy pointed.

"Sweetheart, I'm not a fool like her. I know that you love my son and I also know that you are the most suitable girl for him, not that Shahana. So, I save my son from that gold digger by helping you." Alia explained.

"Really aunty? You are so kind. But, what will I have to do?"

"Nothing much. Just make Aryan fall for you by hook or crook and I will take care of the rest."

"Thank you so much."

"Don't forget that tomorrow is Aryan's birthday and he loves chocolates." Alia said before ending the call.

THE FORGOTTEN COUPLE: ARHANAWhere stories live. Discover now