Day 1 Part 3

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I don't know what happened, I really don't. One second, I'm enjoying my Onigiri, while Takeru is digging into his sponge cake I made, and the next, I'm in the kitchen sink with Takeru pointing and laughing at me!

"You scream like a little girl!" He laughs.

"I do not!" I glare at him.

He continues to laugh at me while I'm butt deep in the small sink. I look around the floor near me to see if I can spot it, but I can't.

'Man, where did it go!? And of course Iwa's not here to dispose of that filth! Grrrr!'

"Uncle Tohru, what are you looking for?"

I ignore him and keep looking. I move both of my hands to either side of me and lift myseft up out of the sink, but..... Uh....

'Oh no...'

Takeru starts laughing at me again... -_-

"Uncle Tohru, you're stuck, hahaha!"

"I am not stuck! I'm just... Enjoying... Sitting here in the sink. It's much safer right here... Don't have to worry about what might be crawling around on the floor right now." I say with a smile.

"Hahahahaha, you're stuck, you're stuck!

"You little brat! What did I just say!?" I growl between closed teeth.

I take a deep breath in and out to cool my anger. There's no need in getting upset over little kids that don't know how to shut up, so might as well try and change the subject.

"Takeru," I say sweetly. "Don't you have homework that needs to get done?"

"Yeah, but I need help with it."

'Good, he stopped laughing.'

"Well, then, why don't you bring it here and I'll help you with it?"

He runs off and reappears a minute later from his room with his school bag. He tosses the bag onto the counter next to me, pulls out some math worksheets and hands them to me.

"Ok Buddy, what is it that you need help with?"

"Mmh, this."

Takeru points to a problem and I explain to him how to solve it as he scribbles down my explanation. We do a few problems together, to make sure he understands how to solve the problems and then I let him do the rest on his own. After sometime, he finishes and hands the paper to me to check.

"Good job, Bub."

I pat his head and he gives me a look of accomplishment.

From there, as my legs slowly grow numb, he continues to stand at the counter next to me, and I sit in the sink, helping him where ever he needs it.


Takeru suddenly yells, slamming his pencil down and runs off to the restroom. I jump in shock, from his sudden out burst.

"Oh, thank goodness, now I can... Pull... Myself... Grrrr-"

I start to say, as I struggl- I mean, pull myself out of the sink with ease, because I'm not stuck. Totally not. I only stayed in the sink cause of the filth that's running around on the floor. I'm just getting up, because my legs are numb, and I'm not wiggling my legs around to unstick myself. They're asleep, so I'm waking them up... Yeah.

By the time Takeru comes back, I have just pulled myself out from the sink and go to jump down from the counter, but as I do so, I lose my balance and fall forward. I hit my head on the other counter in front of me and fall to the ground.

Living With My Nephew, TakeruWhere stories live. Discover now