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This will be very short sorry.

Aether and Xiao were taking a walk through the forest just enjoying themselves. Suddenly the two heard the sound of someone yelling for help from a distance, the two ran towards that direction to see the issue.

A man and his cart were being attacked by hilichurls. There were about four. Aether didn't hesitate before rushing into the scene to help the man. The Adeptus simply stood back, since Aether could easily handle a mere group of hilichurls.

The now saved man wrapped his arms around the blonde pulling him into a tight hug.

M: "Thank you traveler, I don't know what I'd do hadn't you been near to hear my plea for help" the merchant stated

A: "No really it's alright, anyone else would have done the same."

M: "Allow me to treat you for dinner, as a thanks"

The man snaked his arm around Aether's waist, pulling closer after the poor boy just escaped his hug. Leaning in a little too close for comfort.

A: "sorry sir, but I think you're a little too close right now."

M: "It's alright, I'm not doing anything. I'm just trying to ask my savior to allow me to buy him dinner. No harm in that"

Then a very angry looking Xiao appeared, prying the man's hands off of Aether and replacing them with his own. Holding him protectively.

X: "I'm certain he's made his choice very clear to you. Are you deaf or just plain stupid? He isn't interested so get lost."

M: "I was asking him to dinner as a thanks. Stay out of it and mind your own business. Just who do you think you are anyway!?"

The merchant's face turned slightly red from his anger.

X: "Well last time I remembered this is my buisness. Since you've decided to harass my boyfriend."

The merchant's face grew still and he looked at the two.

M: "Sorry, but if he's really you're boyfriend, I think I'm gonna need some proof. For all I know he's more uncomfortable with you than he is me"

The merchant's face turned with a satisfied smile, as though he thought Xiao was bluffing in an attempt to keep him away.

The adeptus didn't say a word as he connected their lips. The blonde was thrown off guard but kissed back regardless. The angry adeptus carefully slipped in his tongue and the traveler accepted.

Xiao opened his eyes and glanced sideways to the man with a proud look on his face. He then broke apart the kiss leaving Aether red as an apple, embarrassed that he just made out with Xiao infront of another person.

The merchant finally backed off, but since that day Xiao and Aether have always held hands or linked pinkies at the very least in public settings.
Sorry it's so short, I'm running out of ideas and I don't just wanna copy off of others (|||0×0)
Psa: I'll edit this tmr. I just thought it's been too long since I uploaded a chapter. I'm tired gn y'all <3

Aether x Xiao oneshots {𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃}Where stories live. Discover now