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WARNINGS. tae's annoying here.


"class! president!"

you both snap your heads in the direction of the deep voice. the entrance behind jimin reveals kim taehyung, who bears a plastic bag of snacks and a large, square grin. but when he sees how close jimin is to you, how the student council president is practically centimeters away from your frame, the glee in his eyes fade and his jaw drops in an open smile. after a few uncomfortable seconds (in which jimin's eyes narrow into slits of malice and taehyung lets out the most dramatic gasp of all time), he finally speaks, "oh my god, two class presidents getting freaky together?! at school??! i knew you guys were weird!"

oh, the irony.

his reaction has you realizing the proximity between you and jimin. you're not one to get worked up from a misunderstanding, but when the accusations come from taehyung's babbling mouth, you can't stop the denial from bursting out. "t-taehyung, we weren't doing anything weird! we were just talking—"

it goes nowhere near his head as he continues to chant 'freaky geeks, freaky geeks!' with a stupid little dance. you try to talk over him, tone growing more annoyed and frustrated.

jimin doesn't say anything. he just watches taehyung irritate you with each passing syllable that comes out of his mouth; watches the flustered expression become more and more evident on your face. you never get this agitated-- not when you're presenting in front of a room full of students, not when your agenda is filled with back-to-back assignments and events. when he realizes that only stupid, motherfucking kim taehyung makes you feel this way, the once comforting smile on jimin's face turns into a cold, stoic line. he steps back from you, grabbing onto one end of the cart. "what are you doing here?" he doesn't even address taehyung, just glances at him with a raised brow.

"hm? oh, han wanted you for something."

"mr. han?"

taehyung only hums, grabbing a bag of chips from his plastic sack. "yeah, something about urgent fees for a club she sponsors," he opens it and eats a piece as he walks up to the two of you, "the math club? or something lame like that."

jimin's unimpressed by taehyung's words as the student continues to eat his snack. he'd like to interrogate taehyung, ask him why mr. han asked him to deliver the message, and why this is considered urgent. but jimin can't really focus on any thoughts in his mind, because taehyung's chewing loudly with his mouth open, giving an open show of what's going on in his mouth.

"what are you waiting for?" taehyung asks, popping in another chip.

jimin has to close his eyes before forcing a smile that's nothing near authentic. "i'm waiting for you to get out of the way. that's all."

taehyung continues to eat.

it's silent (aside from the gross, obnoxious sounds coming from taehyung's mouth). before any chip bits can get on jimin's face, and before an angry vein can pop on jimin's forehead, you speak up. "don't worry, jimin, i'll take the cart to mrs. ahn. you can go to mr. han."

your council president turns to you, irritation disippitating from his face when he meets your smile. he says your name and it trails in his sentence.

"and i can help class president!"

you and jimin turn to taehyung, who stands proudly with the now empty bag of chips. he tosses it to the ground in a shrug (much to you and jimin's displeasure). "i've got nothing else to do, and you wouldn't want to do it by yourself, right, class president?"

jimin doesn't like the idea of you being alone with stupid kim taehyung, not when he can tell something happened between you and taehyung. he thought you would lecture taehyung about anything that comes to mind, but you don't; instead, you avoid his smirk with a pout and turn away with your arms crossed. jimin doesn't like it. in fact, he hates it, hates the idea of you and taehyung, taehyung and you, you without jimin. he hates it, hates it too much.

but although he hates it, he walks to the door of the supply room without a word.

he picks up taehyung's trash, looks to you, and gives a smile. you do your best to give one back, but your lips falter, because jimin's isn't genuine. "make sure to lock the door when you're done."

and like that, he leaves you, alone with taehyung, the lab equipment on the cart, and the dim lights flickering violently above you.

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