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In 1501 Catalina de Aragón the Princess of Aragon and Castile, married the Prince of Wales , Arthur Tudor, sealing the alliance between England and Spain.
But after only 4 months of marriage, the young couple fell ill with the sweat fever, and the weak Arthur died.
The 16 years old dowager Princess, Catalina, claimed that the wedding was not consummate. And for a while her situation was unclear. She could go back to Spain and be married off to some other foreigner Prince or even a King. Or she could remain in England and marry her brother-in-law, Harry, the next King of England. For that time she has been through all the types of situations, especially becoming the new Spanish ambassador, the first woman to take over such a position.
But after seven years of more troubling waters than those between Spain and England, Princess Catalina became Queen Katherine of England, after she married King Henry VIII, the once Harry that was madly in love with her since he first wrote to her pretending to be his brother.
Now after two years of marriage, they have welcomed to the world one healthy and strong boy named Henry Richard William Tudor, The Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall.
They are about to receive Katherine's father in court and renovate the alliance with Spain and with the Holy-Roman Empire through the marriage of Princess Mary, sister of King Henry, with Katherine's nephew Charles.
With an heir sleeping in the crib, a valuable alliance and a army to play with, what could possibly go wrong in their Camelot?

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