Siapa Nick?
Siapa Nick?
Siapa Nick?
Itu soalan untuk Shawn tetapi bukan untuk Malis. Malis seolah seolah mengenali Nick, lebih dari sesiapa pun. Malis mengenali Nick, tanpa pengetahuan kami semua.
Shawn memandu ke rumah yang dimaksudkan oleh Malis. Sesampai mereka disana, mereka menembusi isi perut rumah ini dengan langkah perlahan.
"Makes yourself at home, love. I'll wash up first and talk to you later."
Malis berlalu pergi. Shawn melihat sekeliling isi rumah dan berjalan ke ruang tamu. Shawn mencapai sekeping bingkai gambar yang dipamerkan disisi meja hiasan rumah.
"Its Nick. Nicholas."
Siapa Nick @ Nicholas?
"You know you're not supposed to do that?"
"Come on bro, it was a mere joke. Mommy doesn't love you. She loves me."
"Kau dari kecik kan suka main benda macam ni? Aku dah besar so I don't mind ahahaha"That's Nicholas and Shawn, the two inseparable identical twins. Kembar yang seiras, langsung tiada beza pabila letakkan keduanya bersebelahan. Hanya ibu mereka sahaja mampu membezakan mereka.
"Enough you two. Jangan gaduh. Nick, you're not going out?"
"Yeah, later. I'm going out with Amal. Nak kirim apa - apa ke Mommy?"
"No lah. If that's the case I'll ask Shawn to bring me to the groceries. Can you do that, Shawn?"
"Boleh je. I tak busy today, Mommy. What time?"
"We can go now. Let me quickly dress up kejap."
"Sure."Nick mencapai setin air 100plus dari peti sejuk.
"Bro. You never told us about Amal at all eh?"
"Nantilah. Soon. Bukan tak ready cuma it's not time yet. Soon. How about you? Still not ready to date anyone?"
"No lah. I wanna focus on my business more. Lagipun at least I got to spend more time with Mommy."
"Yela, you forever Mommy's boy eventho she loves me more."
"You bet."Mommy menuruni anak tangga sambil memandang gelagat kedua anak kembarnya. Dia bermonolog sendirian.
"Stay with us longer, Nick. We all loves you so much."
"I'm done. Jom, baby."
"Nick. I think Mommy loves me more."
"Fuck you."
"Language, Nick. Language. The rules still applies even you guy are grown ass men."
"Sorry, Momsie."Shawn menjelirkan lidah kepada Nick. Nick membalasnya dengan menaikkan jari tengah.
"Nicholas! I saw that!"
"MOM!"Ketiga beranak itu ketawa bersahaja. Rumah kecil yang dihuni sepasang anak kembar bersama seorang ibu yang gembira -- penuh cahaya indah.
"I'm sorry, Mrs Devon. We can't do anything at our end. It's either we can pull this life support outta from him or he can be on it for the rest of his life. No chances of recovery."
"Give me some time, Doctor. I'll think about it."
"Yep, surely. Let me know your thoughts okay? Stay strong."Nick lahir ke dunia dengan masalah jantung. Seumur hidupnya dia bergantung dengan rawatan, ubat - ubatan dan tidak pernah sekali ibunya melarikan pandangan darinya. Hal ini difahami sendiri oleh adiknya, Shawn yang sering kali mengerti akan kesusahan yang Nick hadapi. Sentiasa cuba bersaing -- keduanya, tapi Shawn sering mengalah kerana keadaan Nick. Shawn menyayangi Nick sehabis baik, namun takdir yang harus diakui oleh dia sendiri.
"Shawn. Mommy buntu. Mommy taknak hilang Nick. I love him so much."
"I know Mommy. Tapi, no use if Mommy tahan abang macam ni. He had suffered so much in this world, Mommy. Time to let him go. Okay?"
"Don't you love your brother?"
"I do Mommy. Look, we both shared the same face, the same build, the same voice -- everything about is similar. Its like looking at the mirror, seeing myself in him. Sometimes, I do feels why did I share everything with him but I didn't share his misery?"
"Your point?"
"Okay. If both of us sakit macam ni and when it's time to let us go -- can you bear the pain of losing both of us?"
"Absurd. Totally no. I will die."
"That's the point. Its all has been written. Yes, we both will lose abang now but at least you have me. You can see him through me, Mommy. I can be both Shawn and Nick if that's what makes you happy."Mommy merangkul tubuh Shawn, menangis sungguh - sungguh. Ya, sesungguhnya bukan mudah untuk seorang ibu membuat keputusan sebegini tapi sekiranya sudah tertulis takdir, kata kata Tuhan jugak tidak mampu diingkar. Akhirnya, ibu mereka mengambil keputusan untuk melepaskan Nicholas, putera hati kesayangan mereka.
Nicholas pergi meninggalkan dunia, ibunya dan Shawn -- selamanya.
Shawn dikejutkan dengan lamunan yang sungguh panjang.
"You okay?"
"Yes. Amal?"
"Yes?"Shawn tersentak. Amal, ya. Ini gadis yang pernah diceritakan oleh Nick suatu ketika dahulu. Gadis yang berjaya membuat Nick jatuh hati. Tidak salah lagi. Amal, Amalis. Amal dan Amalis adalah orang yang sama.
"I need to make a phone call. A while?"
"No, just work. Kejap eh?"
"Okay, sure."Malis mendengus. Shawn merangkul tubuh Malis. Dipeluknya erat.
"I'm so sorry. Sekejap je."
Malis tersenyum.
Shawn keluar ke balkoni rumah. Mencapai telefonnya dan mendial ringkas nombor telefon seseorang.
"Yes baby?"
"I need you to do me a favor. Can you come and meet me?"
"Sure? Your house"
"No, other house. I'll text you the address. Nanti Andhi tu suruh Kak Mila jaga dulu ya?"
"And oh Mommy."
"Boleh tak bawak a photo of me......with abang? And please grab one of his favorite hoodies for me."
"I don't know what's going on but I won't ask. Explain to me later."
"Surely. Your ETA?"
"1 hour."
"See you Momsie. Love you."
"Love you too, Nicky and Shanny"Shawn masuk ke rumah semula.
"Do you have any food in the house?"
"Oh no. I lupa nak restock the fridge. Hari tu you dah bagi i duit for groceries before you balik your family house then I lupa."
"Hmmm. Lama tak I tak balik sini?"
"Quite long. Dalam 4 almost 5 months macam tu."
"What happened?"
"You lupa ke?"
"Sort of. Tell me."
"You kata you need some space. You ada personal things that you need to do and you promised me that you will come back and explain everything."
"Amal, what date is today?"
"It's August, 15."
"2015."Nick passed away on 31st March 2015. It's been 5 years, it's 2020 now.
Ruang Kita II - ShawnXJules (COMPLETED)
Random⚠️WARNING. MATURE CONTENT⚠️ Kesinambungan daripada Ruang Kita. "Mungkin kali ni, he's the one! Moga hati terus tetap!"