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Panik. Panik. Panik. Shawn panik dan dia buntu. Dia tahu yang sebegini akan terjadi dan ianya pun sudah terjadi. Shawn sudah mengagak yang Malis akan pergi mencari Jules tapi tidak secepat ini. 

Tiba - tiba, Shawn dikejutkan dengan tangisan Andhi dari bilik tidurnya. 

"Hush hush anak daddy. Sorry sayang." 

Shawn merangkul Andhi rapat dalam dakapannya. Shawn mengambil keputusan untuk menghantar Andhi ke rumah ibunya sementara dia menyelesaikan masalah yang telah Malis mulakan.

Shawn menerima satu panggilan. 

"I don't know what this girl have in her, what makes you in love with her so much? Me and her, there is no difference. We are just that filthy bitch which have dirt all over, who actually does not care about love. We just want to enjoy our life without any drama and look what happened?"
"Malis, I don't know what's going on in your head right now but hey, I'm here to listens. Okay? Tell me, what you want and what's bothering you? Kenapa kena babitkan Jules dalam hal ni?" 
"You know what, after all this while --- you still consider that I am the toxic one?"
"I did not, I swear. I am just trying to help and I'm sorry. I feel guilty. Look, you send Jules back home and I promise I will go and see you." 
"And on what purposes you think I am going to do that? On what significant?" 
"Mark my words. You hantar Jules balik, I'll be waiting at the house. Lepastu I ikut you. Okay?" 
"Okay. What if you refuse?" 
"You can stab me right on the chest." 

Malis mematikan talian. Shawn menunggu, berkira - kira sama ada untuk menghubungi dia semula atau apa. Kemudian, Shawn menerima satu mesej. 

"Will be there at the house in 1 hour time. Live up to your promises." 

Shawn menarik nafas. Dia segera meninggalkan rumah ibunya dan terus memandu laju ke rumahnya semula. Shawn tiba dirumahnya. Dia mengemas rumah yang sedia ada berantakan, memadam tulisan yang ada di cermin kamar mandinya. 

Sekian dia siap mengemas, kedengaran pintu rumah dibuka. Shawn berjalan ke ruang tamu. Kelihatan Jules tenang masuk ke rumah dan terus duduk di sofa. Shawn lekas berjalan ke Jules tetapi Jules menggelengkan kepala berulang kali. Shawn tersentak. 

"You will keep to your promises kan?" 

Shawn memandang Jules. Jules perlahan-lahan menarik tubuh Shawn dan membisik sesuatu kepadanya. 

"I know what had happened. You just follow her and you will know. But, don't address yourself as Shawn. You will know, sayang. Just do it and I'll know what to do next. Trust me on this." 

Shawn memandang Jules dengan wajah penuh kehairanan. 

"Eh hello, are you even listening?"
"Yes, yes. I'm sorry. Okay, let's get going."

Shawn dan Malis keluar dari rumah, sempat Shawn mengalihkan pandangan ke Jules. Jules hanya menggerakkan bibirnya, seperti menyampaikan sesuatu. 

"It's Nick." 

Siapa Nick?


"You know, I always remember the first time we met. The first time we laid eyes on each other. You said my eyes look pitiful and so you wish gives some happiness in it." 

Shawn diam membeku. Sekali sekali dia mengerling Malis yang sedang memandu dan dia memandang keluar tingkap. 

"Where are we going?"
"Home.....where we going to be reunited as one again. Like old times."
"You mean our home?"
"Yes, bb. You lupa?"

Shawn sudah mula mendapat rentak Malis, lalu Shawn menurut sahaja kemahuannya.

"No, bb. I never forgets."
"I know you will not. Its just that nasty cockroach Jules is always between us. She made me sick."
"I know right."

Malis tersenyum, sambil memandu -- dia mencapai tangan Shawn untuk digenggam. Erat.

"I love you Nick, and I always going to love you till death do us apart." 

Siapa Nick?


"Do you remember this place?"
"I do but can you tell me what is so special at this place?"
"This is where I first tell you about my feelings. And this is the place when you first touch me with your hand, its just as -- skin to skin." 
"Hmm, I know. Those feelings was one of the kind."
"It is! And it's still be one of the kind until today. Jules has definitely rot your brain with her petty tricks."
"No bb. I still remember everything about us."
"You do?"
"Yes bb."

Malis memandang Shawn dan menarik nafas lega. 

"You okay, bb?"
"Yes Nick. I'm fine. I'm tired. Can we go home and rest?" 
"Yes bb. You can drive?"
"Can you drive for me? I want to lie my head on your shoulder while you drive."
"Can. Come, let's get home."
"Our home, Nick?"
"Yes, Malis. Our home." 

Malis masuk ke dalam perut kereta dan mengenakan tali pinggang keledar. Shawn mengundurkan kereta dan berlalu pergi dari tempat itu.

"Nick, drive safe. Bring us home, safely."
"I will." 

Sekali lagi. 

Siapa Nick?

Ruang Kita II - ShawnXJules (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now