Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
"When I first saw you".


A little boy, Hueningkai, currently is running, more like dashing towards his favorite place, the playground!, His mom catching up with the little boy, holding the plushies Hueningkai brought with him, softly smiling, as seeing her son happily making it's way to the playground.

The said boy finally arrived his favorite place! Glistening happily, doe eyes lit up from excitement and happiness, the little boy was now walking towards the swing, his favorite part of the playground!, His mom sat on a nearby bench watching the boy make his way towards the swing's, Kai noticed an unfamiliar boy who's taller than him while still making it's way towards the swing, the unfamiliar boy had it's head down facing the ground swinging slowly.

Hueningkai watch, wanted to ask the boy, out of curiosity. On why he's alone and not playing with the other kids beside them, Hueningkai finally decided on sitting beside the boy who was facing the ground, "Hi there!, I'm Hueningkai!" The latter flinched slightly by the unexpected arrival of Hueningkai, turning his head towards the person who called for him.

"H-hi..I'm S-soobin" Soobin stuttered out, as soon as Soobin laid his eyes on Hueningkai he was completely mesmerized, seeing the way his eyes lit up, long and wavy hair, a bright smile plastered on Huening's face, Soobin was struck by how ethereal and beautiful the boy is (who wouldn't??).

Soobin was so mesmerized by the boy, that he didn't realize he was staring at the boy for, quite a while. The boy spoke again bringing Soobin back to reality.

"What are you doing here alone?, Don't you want to play with them?, Or maybe you can play with me instead!" Huening said still brightly smiling as he has never played with the other kids before, not really wanting to play with them, but he was intrigued of the latter as he is the only one at the swings not paying attention to the rest, the latter only nodded making the other boy jump from the swing he was sitting on and hold out a hand for Soobin to hold so he can lead him towards the sandbox.


Hi!! Excuse me if there are any mistakes and how it's quite short as this is my first story (repeating it once again..), I'm hesitant of publishing this hopefully one day I can!, Thank you for reading it will maybe update this if I have the strength to!

'。.゚+・ω・ °•'×

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