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"Hueningie can we talk?", Soobin says slightly worried as he is anxious of what Hueningkai might say, or react.

"Hmm?, What is it hyung?", confused as to why the boy taller than him stop on walking, Hueningkai turn to him and saw a Soobin looking..quite...anxious, making Hueningkai worried.


Soobin led Hueningkai somewhere, the familiar place where the two met, The playground. The place holds a lot of memories to the two.

The two sat at the swings, swinging back and forth, the younger worriedly waits for what Soobin is preparing to say.

Soobin opened his mouth but got no words to form, repeating. opening his mouth and closing it as the boy looked quite hesitant of saying what he is about to say, guilt taking over the boy, not wanting to say the words he wanted, no, needed. To say to the boy.

"How can i say this...", Soobin looked down not wanting to look at the boy beside him,"I'm moving to Canada..and I have to leave you..", Soobin said quite low, but high enough for the other to hear, at least he finally got it out of him, right?.

Hueningkai froze, as soon as he heard Soobin said those last words.

"What...please tell me you're joking hyung.. hyung?",
Hueningkai says, the younger filled with mixed emotions: sad and confused.

The youngest of the two looking broken, something he, Soobin. Has never seen before from the younger, since Hueningkai is always like a sun, shining brightly. With just the smile of his, any person can melt instantly right on the spot. His hysterical laughs that'll make any person whom is gloomy, smile and laugh along with him. Adorable sounds he makes, everything about the boy can make any person looking at him in such softness.

Guilt taking over Soobin once again, as he knew he had to leave the person who is always by him, even through his ups and down.

Quite excited for this story honestly 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜. I mean, it's my first story. Who wouldn't be excited?

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