Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
"Such chaos growing up with you"


Hueningkai was practically dragging Soobin towards the sandbox, well, the boy didn't care. His main priority right now is to play with Soobin.

Soobin is probably Hueningkai's first friend ever, quite obviously since Hueningkai never really talk with the kids there. Finally the two boys are at the sandbox, Hueningkai went towards his mother to take his plushies away from her, poor mother didn't expect her son to just snatch the plushies from her. The mother sat there, dumbfounded. Did she really raised a kid like this? Maybe because of how Hueningkai was so serious about 'The plushy protector' title he gave himself, yeah? Maybe.

Hueningkai went back to Soobin, giving him his plushy named, Tobin. He gave it cause it looks like him, and even almost have the same name as him. He kept molang with him, it's the one he carries around the most. It was squishy, fluffy, and soft also cute, you'd do the same too.

Hueningkai has a lot of different types of 'molang', he'd talk to you for hours about plushies if you'd ask about it.

But moving on.

The two we're happily playing almost till night, that their parents have to basically drag them away to go home. They promised each other to meet again the next day so no worries!.


Another day has arrived!, Hueningkai woke up early to go to the playground again, since Hueningkai basically made a promise to meet Soobin again. Excitedly jumping towards the door after he had finished making his self look decent, with the help of his mom of course. "Slow down hun, you might crash into something." Hueningkai's mother warned Kai for maybe a sudden accident happen "Sorry mom, but I can't promise you that I'll stop!. I'm too excited to meet my new friend! What can you expect?.", "But Kai-" the mother said before rudely getting interrupted by Kai "No buts mom!", The mother sighed in defeat, "Isn't that my line?", Kai giggled, and said. "hehe, oops?", "I would've woop your ass if you weren't that adorable...", Kai laughed out loud, "I know I'm adorable.", the mother laughed with him, "now let's go meet your new friend, don't want him waiting hm?".

The walk to the playground isn't that far so Kai arrived earlier than Soobin, Kai was the one waiting instead of Soobin. "Was I really that early?", Kai said. "Yes, you woke me up so early just for your friend." Kai's mother glare at Kai with a sleepy look, "Sorry?" Kai giggled once again, "A revenge isn't that bad, hmm?", Kai's mother pettily said, and now Kai turned into a giggling fit as his mother attacked him with tickles.


Soobin arrived at the playground minutes later, the first thing he saw was Hueningkai getting chased at by his mother for god knows why, the sight made Soobin laugh a little. Kai went behind Soobin for his own life to be saved, breathlessly. As expected.

"Help! A monster is chasing me" Kai said still catching for air, his mother, shocked and offended. "I've been betrayed by my own son! Ugh!, If I am a monster than you're a creature since I'm your mother!" The mom again, pettily say's. Kai in disbelief, Soobin just enjoying what's happening, Soobin's parent quietly laughing a long. "Mom, how could you!" "NO NO NO, don't try to switch thing's up now, how could you!", And the blaming game started.


Hueningkai and Soobin started school together, basically growing up together. The two stuck to each other like gums, the duo being inseparable. Though the two would tease each other endlessly, but the two didn't mind, some people even think they're couple's, even their parents??.

The two also have other friends, Kai having friends with Beomgyu and Yeonjun, they're quite..extra unlike Kai. Still he loves them. And Soobin friends with Taehyun, Taehyun is scary, but a retable gen-z. So who wouldn't want to be friends with him? And plus Taehyun might probably run a Soobin hate acct, Soobin finds it funny though. Man would hate on him but secretly love's him, like they said, all men do is lie. That's a forever statement I'd believe in.

Though the duo, Kai and Soobin mostly spend time with each other.

Even the rest of them (Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Taehyun) thinks they're also dating. Kai and Soobin would just shut them down real quick whenever they mention it, but they mention it very often. So Kai and Soobin just had to suffer with the rest of them saying they're dating, life huh?.

"Sooo...Soobin, how's your boYfRiEnd" taehyun asked teasingly with a smirk on his face, Soobin who's about to reply who got very rudely interrupted by Taehyun, "Come on just accept that y'all act like a couple, you humanized bunny." Taehyun say's to the 'humanized bunny', "I'm cute as a human bunny though, unlike you who's satan himself", "Wow I'm satan now?, YOU'RE A DEMON HUMANIZED BUNNY" Taehyun spats out on Soobin and Soobin gasped out loudly, offended by the way Taehyun described him "I don't serve for someone like you! And plus I'm not dating anyone, you know we're both single!", "You're right, but no!. And who said I want you to be one of my slaves? You're ugly as fuck!, heck I wouldn't even dare make you my minion!" Taehyun say's "I'm your friend though."Soobin says to him as Taehyun looks at him in a weird cheeky way"Oh really? I thought you're my nemesis." Soobin gasped, even more offended. "I cAn'T beLievE yoU'Ve dOne ThIs" Soobin says in a british accent, making Taehyun slap him by the back of his head "Ow! Why'd you hit me for?!", "Stop acting like those cringey people" Taehyun say's cringing by what just Soobin has said "IT'S NOT CRINGEY!, it's called memes! I thought you were a relatable gen-z? Not so relatable of you to say of" Soobin rolled his eyes.

"Hey idiots! Stop arguing and come and help me!" A person shouts at them, "what is it now, yang jeongin?" Taehyun shouted back, "risky risky wiggy wigi this is an emergency (stan twice), a minor accident happened from two dumb fuckers!" Jeongin half sang out a lyrics from a song and half shouted on what happened "From who now??" Soobin finally speak. "Kai and Yeonjun who else?" Jeongin replied again "Disappointed but not surprised" Taehyun say's sighing heavily, "look at this guy who said he's not dating Hueningkai, bitch running towards Kai like fucking naruto.".

As soon as Soobin saw the three guys, Kai, Yeonjun, and Beomgyu, who was trying to help, but just can't stop, laughing. It was a disaster, the two had bump their heads to each other when they were spinning on the floor for who knows why?.

They basically look like crackheads.

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Stopping right here since it's getting too long ( I wanted on making it longer since the last one was quite short), but how is it though? Please leave your thoughts or opinions!
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I love you!!♡♡, have a great night/day/afternoon
♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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Vote's and comments are appreciated (•ө•)♡


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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