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(Song Choice: "Under the Influence" by Chris Brown the woman beater)

(Song Choice: "Under the Influence" by Chris Brown the woman beater)

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Steffano's POV


That's the only feeling that can describe this moment in my life. Hennessey in hand, music booming, lights everywhere, yet I am still not content with my life.

Yes I may be a multi millionaire now, but I've come far from what I used to be. My innocence long gone and with the endless amounts of bodies, trials, and money can easily make you feel on top of the world.

As I look down at the people below I can't help but think at how that used to be me. At the bottom looking for a way up.


With all the money and power from a lifetime there is still this lonliness and longing for something.

The opening of my or should I say our club is a success and business is doing great so I can't complain too much.

Looking towards the bar I notice the club doors opening yet again to the many people waiting outside.

In walks 4 women all dressed for the occasion I almost look away before catching a glimpse at one of them.

Let me tell you right now as soon as that door opened that lonely and empty feeling went away, and instead was replaced with curiosity all because of her.

Her radiant brown skin glistenning underneath the bright lights. That black dress hugs her tall toned body in all the right places. Don't even get me started on those curves that seem like there calling my name. Legs so long I just want them emgulfed around my waist.

She was more than pretty she was absolutely beautiful and anyone that thought otherwise had to be blind.

Nicholas calling my name immediately knocks me out of my trance and vision of that girl.

"Che cosa?"(What)

"You've been staring. Whats on your mind? Or who's on your mind?" he states.

"Nothing." I say blandly.

"Is it really nothing cause you've been staring at the girl at the bar for about 10 minutes straight." he replies with a smirk.

"Nothing it's nothing now drop it." I say in a rush reaching in my pocket to light my blunt.

"Where is Grace?" I ask lighting the blunt and curious to where my younger sister wondered off to.

"She said she was going to the bathroom to freshen up."

"Well when she comes back tell her we are leaving in an hour I'm going to my office." I say exhaling and leaving to both get work done and relieve myself of the constraint in my pants and the thought of her.

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