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"Which sweater should I take, Ash?" Calum asked his curly haired body guard.

"I don't know, just something warm, cause it's winter in the states," Ashton said to the prince.

"I still can't believe I'm leaving this hell-hole," the prince squealed, packing one of his many suitcases. You would think that a prince would have someone do it for him, but he didn't like troubling people, especially with something he could easily do himself.

"Calum, you know your parents don't like you saying profanities," Ashton warned, finally getting up to help the prince.

"No. You sit," Calum demanded, thinking he was troubling his guard, well more like friend since they had known each other for so long.

"Alright, alright, I'll leave you to it." The older boy threw his hands up in defense.

"Thank you," Calum muttered, walking back into his closet to get more clothes.

Calum was the next in line to rule The Jade Haven Isles; a series of small islands near the coast of Australia. The boy and Ashton had always been close considering Ashton and his family all served the royal family and lived with them in the palace for convenience. Ashton eagerly accepted the offer to become Calum's personal guard the second he was asked. The boys (well, Ashton really, because Calum's a wimp when it comes to asking his parents for anything) had somehow convinced Calum's parents, the king and queen, to let them go to the states for a bit of a vacation. So that's why Calum had been packing.

"Shouldn't you be packing too?" Calum asked curiously.

"Already did it," Ashton said smugly.

"Your always ahead of me, I swear," he sighed, folding one of his shirts.

"You got it. Plus, I don't wait till the last minute to start packing."

"Oh, come on, I'm not packing that late." The brown eyed beauty tried to argue.

"Cal, we leave in two hours. I think that's late." He deadpanned.

"So what? Not like we leave in one hour." Calum tried to defend himself, stopping his folding to place his hands on his hips as he narrowed his eyes at Ashton.

"Whatever, I'm gonna bring my suitcases up here so that we can just leave and not have to worry about me having to go and get my stuff from my room when we go to leave." The hazel eyed boy said, standing from the couch he had plopped down onto.

"'Kay." Calum nodded and returned to his folding.


"Mike! Michael time to get up!" The blonde boy banged on his friend's door.

He heard shuffling coming from inside the room before the door flew open, revealing the groggy, blue haired boy he called his best friend.

"Wow. You actually got up without me having to almost break your door down today. Good job." He said happily, and jokingly.

"Shut up, Luke." Was all Michael mumbled before pushing past Luke and disappearing down the hall; into the bathroom.

Luke chuckled at how irritable Michael was in the mornings. Michael could be a real ass when he woke up, but Luke wasn't fazed by it now.

Luke was still in high school; Michael wasn't. The two lived with Luke's mum, since Michael's parents kicked him out when they found out he was gay. The older boy worked part time at a music store, mainly focusing on guitars and acoustics.

Luke went back to his room to finish getting ready. He slipped his 'stay weird' shirt (you know that one where the writing is upside down) on, along with a black and pink floral skirt, and his black high top converse. He fixed his hair into a quiff before putting on a bit of makeup. He didn't go overboard, but enough to where it was noticeable.

Once he was done, he went downstairs and into the kitchen, where Michael was already eating cold pizza for breakfast.

"Very nutritious, Mike." Luke chuckled, walking to the fridge and grabbing some juice. He poured himself a glass and put some bread in the toaster.

"So, what're we doin' today?" Michael asked since they had planned to go do something. It was the weekend, so Luke wasn't at school, and Michael got the day off, so they thought it was a good opportunity to hang out.

"I dunno. Whatever you wanna do." Luke shrugged, taking his toast out and placing it on a plate.

"We could go to the beach?" Michael suggested, eating away at the crust of his pizza.

"No way. It's too cold for that, and I'm wearing a skirt." Luke refused, sitting next to Michael at the counter.

"The mall then?"


"Alright, we're going to the mall."


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