Chapter 13 - Sick

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"Sick?" Nat asks, Loki humming in response. "What's the doctor got planned?"

"Mother taught me healing as a main focus point as it is her specialty," Loki dropped in different herbs in a small strainer, letting hot water run over to steep. "If I can't cure a simple Midgardian cold then- Well, I won't fail so no use making promises," he starts to stir clockwise and whispering an incantation.

Loki summoned a kitchen knife, easily cutting fruit up as well as cooking oatmeal. Placing it all on a tray with the tea he looked around to see Nat busy texting someone giving him the chance to summon a small flower and place it on the tray. (Sorry if you don't like oatmeal lol)

"She likes (Favourite flower)," Nat says nonchalantly, eyes still on her phone with a small grin as Loki pursed his lips.

"Thank you," Loki says awkwardly, switching the bloom with the right one. Easily balancing the tray, he knocks on your door, "Y/n, I'm coming in,"

"I'm dead, don't bother," you murmur when he opens the door.

"I made oatmeal and cut up some fruit," he watched as you groggily sat up.

"You didn't have to, Loki," curling close against yourself slightly, you watched him place it in front of you. "A (Favourite flower)? How did you know it was my favourite?"

Loki's eyes widened in panic. "I didn't," he laughs. "I put it there to test how well you can smell, that's all,"

"Oh..." you nod in disappointment and sniff it. "Still okay,"

"Good, good," he tips back and forth on his heels before seeing you lay back against the head board. "Eat, you'll feel better," the trickster urges, helping you a little despite protests.

Admittance vocally would never happen but he enjoyed taking care of you, it really made him happy to give back to you. Especially when you return the smile he gave, or small glance. The final spoonful met your lips after a long while of silence—not awkward in any way.

"So what did you want to do?" He asks, putting the tray on your desk for him to take away later.

"How about-"

"In bed, relaxing, requiring no physical strain,"

"Remote control arson," you scoff, having no ideas left. "That's all I can think of,"

"What about a good rest?" When you shook your head he sighed. "Television? A book?"

"Not bothered," you yawn.

"What was that about not wanting a good rest?" he smirks, "come on, lay down," he fixes the pillows and tucks you in, a small pat to your head.

"I'm not a child,"

"I'm sure," he stands up properly again only for you to hold onto his sleeve. "Yes?"

"Can we... cuddle?" The words suddenly sounded stupid than they did in your head. "Never mind, forget-"

"Will it make you go to sleep?" Loki raised a brow as his heart raced.

"Maybe," you drag on making him lift the covers after kicking off his shoes. Both of his arms secure around you, nestling his head on top of yours as you sniffle into his chest. He starts to shift his breathing unknowingly to match yours as you did the same, meeting half-way.

Minutes passed when he decidedly tried to see if you were asleep. Mission success as it seemed you were! He pulled you back close and laid a soft kiss upon your head, protective and loving.

"I'll keep you safe, dove, I promise," he sighs out, shifting to get more comfortable for his own sleep. "I don't deserve an Angel like you. Accepting of my Jotun form so easily, helping me clear my name and treating me like the others," he breathes out in short moments, not bothered by the fact you couldn't hear him... it was better that way.

That was just it, wasn't it? You treated him like you treated the others. Like a friend. Nothing more.

"Just like a friend,"


Coughing up a storm, Loki woke up instantly. He grabbed a glass of water and soothed your back, waiting for you to be able to drink. "That's a good girl," he put the glass back down and let you curl into his arms again. "Not feeling any better, hm?"

"No, it's so hot," you kick away the blanket making him chuckle.

"Well, lucky you then," his Jotun form took over, a drop in temperature suddenly evident.

"You are a savior," you crawl and lay right on top of him.

"I'm not an ice block, I can't stay like this all day," Loki notes.

"You are an ice block, Mr Frost giant, but I'm sure I can sacrifice the enjoyment of this to let your be comfortable," rolling back next to him with both arms snaking around to hold him like a teddy bear, he immediately reciprocated.

"Are you hungry yet, dove?" Loki waited for you to call him out for his pet name but... nothing.

"Nope," you sneeze into your arm, getting out of bed to blow your nose. Loki turned over to see you in nothing but a shirt and underwear. "What?" you look back, rubbing your sore head.

"Is that what you wear to bed?"

"Sleeping with too many layers is uncomfortable," hoisting onto the bed and crawling back, you stop midway and collapse. "Cold,"

"Mhm, even colder here, dove," he uses the nickname again, testing the waters, loving how it sounded being said to you.


"Stubborn," he takes your arms and pulls you back. "Let's eat, alright? It'll be good,"

"What's on the menu?"

"What does the princess want?"

"The blood of my enemies!" You call out with a groggy evil laugh before being sent into a fit of coughs.

"I don't have that, but I hope soup will suffice?" He watches you nod against the pillow, face down. "Drink this tea, while I make the soup," Loki summons a new steaming mug of tea.

"Thank you, Lokes,"

"Anything for you, dove," he placed a small kiss on your forehead as you curled back up with heated cheeks—and not because you were sick.


In honour of the Loki series releasing

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In honour of the Loki series releasing... HERE IS A SECOND CHAPTER!

- Anna ❤️

Enemies: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now