Summer before Fifth-Year VI

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The next few days, all the kids talked about was Remus' outburst.

Only Draco was able to see it because the rest was busy with the Doxy, but they were able to hear some things.

Draco described to them Snape's face meticulously, laughing every second of it. They were amazed at how Remus could scare a man like their potion teacher, and they certainly didn't try to hide it, as they laughed between themselves or gaped at him every time he walked into a room.

Remus didn't know if he should have felt happy or annoyed.

Finally, it was the day of the full moon.

Draco got woken up by his brother, who started screaming so loud the blond fell off the bed. That only worsened the pains he already had because of the full moon.

In the small, dirty mirror he had in his room, he could see he didn't look presentable at all. If he was in school, he would have put makeup and a smile on, hiding how he was feeling; but there, he wasn't bothered to. They all knew he wasn't the perfect boy, and he didn't even have his makeup kit.

When he entered the kitchen with Regulus in his arms, Mr and Mrs Weasley, the twins and Ginny jumped at the sight of him. They gave him worried looks.

«Are you okay, dear?» asked Mrs Weasley, walking towards him with his breakfast. He put Regulus in his crib and took his plate.

«Yes, don't worry. The full moon is tonight» Draco said casually, like it explained everything.

«We've never seen you looking like this the past years» commented George, gesturing to Draco's face with his fork. The blond rolled his eyes.

«That's because I'm not stupid»

They continued their breakfast in silence and, when Draco was about to go back to his room, the famous Golden Trio arrived. They stood in front of the blond, who had Regulus back in his arms, and looked at him nervously.

At first, Draco was confused by their presence. All three of them were avoiding his eyes, and Granger was fidgeting with her hands. He remembered seeing that scene, every month of the school year.

Realising what they were going to do, he sighed.

«Old habits die hard, I guess» he muttered. Regulus looked at them in curiosity.

«No, I don't need your help» said Draco, louder. He wanted to be clear and get done with it.

Granger looked at him with pleading eyes.
«There must be something we can-»

Draco shook his head with annoyed eyes, stopping her mid-sentence.

«What can you do?» they went quiet. «Give me moral support? Save it»

He passed them and walked to the door, until an idea came to him. He stopped his steps and turned to them with a smirk.

«Maybe there is a way you can help me» they all widened their eyes, the other Weasleys in the room included. Draco walked up to Potter, looking him dead in the eyes. The boy took a small step back, not because he was scared but because he had never been that close to the blond. It made him feel weird.

Draco's smirk widened and he put Regulus in Potter's arms, shocking everyone. The Golden Boy stumbled but tried his best to not let the baby fall, while Regulus giggled and started playing with his hair.

«I'm sure you can take care of Reg for two days, right?» said the blond in a smooth tone.

Granger didn't take the news so bad and Potter just looked between the baby and Draco with a confused expression. Unlike his friends, Ron took it badly. He widened his eyes as fear took over him. Potter and he shared the room, which meant he would have to deal with a crying baby all night.

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